Sentences with phrase «growing global energy needs»

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We put a lot of time and energy into building the right partnerships and growing a global extension of the company to meet the needs of those clients.»
The world's energy needs are continuing to grow and global energy supply is under stress.
«As global energy demand grows over this century, there is an urgent need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and imported oil and curtail greenhouse gas emissions,» said Secretary of Energy Steveenergy demand grows over this century, there is an urgent need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and imported oil and curtail greenhouse gas emissions,» said Secretary of Energy SteveEnergy Steven Chu.
Global demand for energy is growing rapidly and must continue to grow to provide the needs of developing economies.
Andy Revkin wrote» Overall, inertia, both in Washington and elsewhere, still dominates even as the need to embark on an intensive, sustained, global effort to boost energy efficiency, curb greenhouse - gas emissions, and advance promising non-polluting energy technologies (no matter what you think of climate dangers) has grown ever clearer.
In 2006, I interviewed dozens of experts on energy, climate, and the economy for a story in our ongoing Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate energy, climate, and the economy for a story in our ongoing Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate risks.
By pioneering new renewable energy projects and establishing forward - thinking innovation centers, many countries in Africa are looking to renewable energy as a solution to meet their growing energy needs in a sustainable way, while working toward practical adaptation strategies to mitigate global warming impacts.
Coal is the world's fastest - growing fuel, the dominant global energy source and the sustainable solution for growing needs
on the need to stabilize atmospheric GHG concentrations, even as global energy use continues to grow.
As India's importance and role in the global energy markets continues to grow, it needs to be strategic in its energy planning.
At the launch, Mr. Sadamori detailed the region's rising importance in global energy markets, its growing reliance on fossil energy and the need to attract annual average investment of nearly USD 100 billion to secure the energy needs of the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Senator Bernie Sanders (I - VT) spoke this morning at the release of a Greenpeace Energy [R] evolution report that lays out, using quite conservative estimates, how «the United States can meet the energy needs of a growing economy and achieve science - based cuts in global warming pollution — without nuclear power or coal.&Energy [R] evolution report that lays out, using quite conservative estimates, how «the United States can meet the energy needs of a growing economy and achieve science - based cuts in global warming pollution — without nuclear power or coal.&energy needs of a growing economy and achieve science - based cuts in global warming pollution — without nuclear power or coal.»
Actually, the whole global warming problem could be summarized as being a global over-population problem — it is, after all, the exploding human population that is driving the growing energy needs, causing the negative environmental impacts, and in the process, also causing a shortage of fresh water.
Since two billion humans still depend on wood and dung to cook their supper, Smil notes that «much more energy will be needed during the coming generations to extend decent life to the majority of a still growing global population.»
His calculations have shown that, if we want to aim for a high chance of not exceeding a 2 °C increase in global temperature by the end of the century, our energy emissions need to be cut by nearer 10 % annually rather than the 2 — 4 % that economists say is possible with a growing economy.
* that BP is funding research into «ways of tackling the world's climate problem» at Princeton University to the tune of $ 2 million per year for 15 years * that BP is funding an energy research institute involving two other US universities to the tune of $ 500 million — the aim of which is «to develop new sources of energy and reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment» * that ExxonMobil itself has donated $ 100 million to Stanford university so that researchers there can find «ways to meet growing energy needs without worsening global warming»
The melting of glaciers will affect people around the world, their drinking water supplies, water needed to grow food and supply energy, as well as global sea levels.
So too, these days, do our efforts to meet our energy needs, feed a growing global population, ensure peace and security, and fight poverty and disease rely on wisely managing water resources that we can no longer treat as limitless.
Despite the desire to move away from fossil fuels, oil and gas will remain dominant in the global energy mix — and the energy world will continue to be consumed by the need to find oil and gas to meet growing global demand.
(1) Because of a growing concern over the possible consequences of global warming, which may be caused in part by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (a major greenhouse gas), and also because of the need for accurate estimates of carbon dioxide emissions, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has developed factors for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted as a result of U.S. coal consumption.
Even when grown on infertile soils, they can provide a substantial portion of global energy needs, and leave fertile land for food production,» said Tilman.
A couple of the big - picture projections in ExxonMobil's annual global energy outlook: The world's energy needs will grow 25 percent between now until 2040, with oil, natural gas and coal continuing to meet 80 percent of that demand.
«Energy efficiency is the most affordable energy resource in Florida — it has the potential to meet the state's growing need for energy while reducing Floridians» future energy costs and at the same time addressing the challenge of global waEnergy efficiency is the most affordable energy resource in Florida — it has the potential to meet the state's growing need for energy while reducing Floridians» future energy costs and at the same time addressing the challenge of global waenergy resource in Florida — it has the potential to meet the state's growing need for energy while reducing Floridians» future energy costs and at the same time addressing the challenge of global waenergy while reducing Floridians» future energy costs and at the same time addressing the challenge of global waenergy costs and at the same time addressing the challenge of global warming.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's reports released earlier this year also documented the large potential of existing energy technologies to meet growing energy needs without increasing global warming pollution.
Efficiency is good and we should strive for more, but it won't eliminate the need to develop enormous quantities of cheap and zero carbon energy to meet the demands of the growing global economy.6, 7 Can't we solve global warming with renewables?
Global trends point to the world's oceans figuring much more prominently in meeting the foreseeable food and energy needs of a growing global population and a warming pGlobal trends point to the world's oceans figuring much more prominently in meeting the foreseeable food and energy needs of a growing global population and a warming pglobal population and a warming planet.
Innovations in sustainability are a key area where Bitcoin miners can help increase their profit margins while also addressing growing global concerns over increasing energy use needed to mine them.
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