Sentences with phrase «grown near human»

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Thanks to the mechanical devices which we increasingly charge with the burden not only of production but also of calculation, the quantity of unused human energy is growing at a disturbing rate both within us and around us; and this phenomenon will reach its climax in the near future, when nuclear forces have been harnessed to useful work.
Impressions left by a large claw on the innermost toe on the dinosaur's front foot (the analog of the human thumb) indicate that the still - unknown species was located near the base of the sauropod family tree, and the sizes of the footprints — in some cases 70 centimeters across — suggest that the behemoths grew to reach 15 meters in length and weighed up to 10 metric tons, the researchers report online today in the Scottish Journal of Geology.
Coss» paper grew out of a 2015 study in which he and a former graduate student reported that zebras living near human settlements could not be approached as closely before fleeing as wild horses when they saw a human approaching on foot — staying just outside the effective range of poisoned arrows used by African hunters for at least 24,000 years.
Now that human interlopers are growing in number — a recent survey showed that ship traffic in a key summering area for narwhals near Canada jumped almost 300 % from 2015 to 2016 — researchers aren't sure how narwhals will react.
As local human populations grow near these sites, ejidatarios also use the lumber for building materials and the cleared land for growing food and grazing cattle.
In recent years, researchers have developed so - called «senolytic» drugs that wipe out senescent cells in aging mice and mouse models of age - related disease, exploiting the high dependence of these cells on specific biochemical survival pathways.9, 10 In these studies, senolytic drugs have restored exercise capacity9 and formation of new blood and immune precursor cells11 in aging mice to near youthful norms, and prevented or treated mouse models of diseases of aging like osteoarthritis, 12 fibrotic lung disease, 13 hair loss, 14 atherosclerosis, 15,16 and age - related diseases of the heart itself.9 UNITY Biotechnology is leading a growing charge toward the clinic, with human clinical trials expected to begin in 2019.
Today, a human mission to the Red Planet grows near.
Through our current campaign, Our Common Waters, and with exposure to increased oil and gas development near our homes and communities, we have grown concerned about hydraulic fracturing (commonly called «fracking») and its impact on water, air, soil, wildlife habitat, and human health.
As the time grows nearer to welcoming my own little human bundle of joy, every day I check things off my «to do» list: Nursery set up, check!
What makes the climate predicament even tougher is the uneven nature of human development, and the reality that nearly all of the growth in emissions of greenhouse gases is coming from a near - inevitable burst of fossil fuel combustion in fast - growing developing countries.
It's about what could be expected from an establishment candidate that believes human - caused climate change is a growing threat to global stability, but nowhere near what science and international equity dictates is necessary.
Most worrisome, if humanity stays near its current path of greenhouse gas emissions, the IPCC warns with «high confidence» that «the combination of high temperature and humidity in some areas for parts of the year is projected to compromise normal human activities, including growing food or working outdoors.»
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