Sentences with phrase «grows at a fixed rate»

A Deferred Annuity is a single - premium annuity which grows at a fixed rate for a predetermined amount of time, very similar to CDs.
The cash value builds by deferring a portion of your premiums, and depending on the type of coverage you buy, is invested in securities or grows at a fixed rate guaranteed by the insurance company.
Regardless of how stock markets perform, your cash value grows at a fixed rate.
Many policies guarantee that something called your «benefit base» or «income base» will grow at a fixed rate of return.

Not exact matches

«This BIP proposes replacing the fixed one - megabyte maximum block size with a maximum size that grows over time at a predictable rate
The simple reason is that the component that accounts for housing — residential fixed investment — is growing at a rate of 15 to 20 percent.
Most dangerously of all, the bulls think that China can fix its problems while growing at 7 % or 7.5 % — which is better than the 8 % they used to think is the minimum acceptable, although worse then the 6 % they will undoubtedly cite next year as the minimal acceptable growth rate.
At Societe Generale, named this year's global Best in Interest - Rate Derivatives, sales of these products grew substantially in 2016, making them the biggest contributor to a 42 % increase in revenues from fixed income, currencies and commodities trading during the third quarter of last year.
High fixed costs are great when revenues are rising as income grows at a faster rate than sales.
But the level of income won't increase from a fixed income security, and the rate at which the capital grows when interest is reinvested is unlikely to make one rich in any length of time.
The US economy has been growing at about 2 % annually, which isn't a great rate of growth, but it's decent from the perspective of a fixed - income investor.
However, in order to both keep the model as simple as possible and give predictions that are in reality a best - case scenario, our model simply assumes that each household's income grows at a steady, fixed rate each year, that retirement savings grow and accumulate returns at a steady pace, etc. (For more detail on the values used in the model for growth in home values, retirement assets, etc., see the Methodology Appendix below).
Accumulation annuities grow either at a fixed rate (like MYGAs) or grow based on market performance (as with VAs and FIAs).
At a time when so many other types of mortgages seemed to have failed, fixed rate FHA home loans have grown in popularity as borrowers shy away from more risky alternatives.
Fixed annuities are tax - deferred * retirement vehicles issued by insurance companies that grow at a guaranteed rate and offer you the opportunity to turn some or all of your savings into guaranteed income payments for life, or for a set period.
Universities have long term fixed liabilities, such as tenure track contracts and the salary of tenured faculty may grow at a rate faster than general inflation or tuition fees, especially in specialized areas such as business, law, medicine and engineering.
The key difference with whole life insurance is that your investment rate of return may be fixed, so your cash value will grow at the exact same rate every year.
LendingClub offers fixed term business loans at reasonable rates that can help you grow your business.
The money in your annuity account grows at either a fixed or variable rate during what's known as the accumulation period.
The monetarist prescription of keeping the money supply growing at a constant, non-inflationary rate — whether this is achieved by deliberate central bank policy or by some type of gold standard — will not fix the problem.
Unlike whole life insurance, where cash is only guaranteed to grow at a fixed conservative rate of interest, the funds that are inside of a variable life policy are tied to a variety of different market related investment options.
Part of the annual premium charged is applied toward the pure cost of insurance, commissions and administrative costs, while the balance is left to grow at fixed interest rates determined by the issuer.
Whole life insurance is a much safer product in that most whole life policies have a guaranteed premium which gets you a fixed death benefit and cash value that grows at fixed, guaranteed rate.
The key difference with whole life insurance is that your investment rate of return may be fixed, so your cash value will grow at the exact same rate every year.
With a fixed deferred annuity, your money will grow tax - deferred at a guaranteed fixed rate of interest.
Fixed annuities grow at a rate set annually, but never lower than the definite minimum interest rate settled on at the time the client purchased the annuity.
Unlike whole life insurance, where cash is only guaranteed to grow at a fixed conservative rate of interest, the funds that are inside of a variable life policy are tied to a variety of different market related investment options.
Any remaining cash values grow at a current fixed interest rate.
Flexible premium adjustable life is useful for key man situations where long term coverage is needed and the ability to grow cash value at a fixed interest rate is desired.
This is a growing income plan in which the payouts increaseS at a fixed rate of interest per annum
Fixed deposits in banks can allow your money to grow steadily at 3 - 10 % interest rates and thus offer a viable plan to individuals.
«Fixing the tax code will help us get that 3 percent economy,» he said — meaning an economy that grows at the rate of 3 percent annually.
30 Year Fixed Rate Loan at a Cost of One Point: 3.375 % * (APR = 3.59 %) The U.S. Economy (GDP) grew slower than expected and rates remain low.
Residential fixed investment (RFI or home building and remodeling) grew at a 4.1 % rate for the fourth quarter.
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