Sentences with phrase «growth in student learning»

It developed a strong accountability system, one based on growth in student learning.
There is no question that growth in student learning provides us with some useful information.
Statistical models designed to measure growth in student learning are rapidly being introduced and applied in districts across the country to measure the effectiveness of teachers and schools.
But an initial reading of the department's guidance suggests it is sticking to these policies: «The Department will work with states that wish to amend (their federal) flexibility waiver... while still maintaining teacher and leader evaluation and support systems that include growth in student learning
Effective principals need strong instructional and leadership skills to promote growth in student learning, manage their human capital, develop and support teachers, use data to drive student learning improvements, and build a culture of high expectations for the adults and students in the building.
Results from 2016 demonstrate notable growth in student learning across regional Fellowship programs:
While NCLB helped State and local educational agencies (SEAs and LEAs) shine a bright light on the achievement gap and increased accountability for groups of high - need students, it inadvertently encouraged some States to set low academic standards, failed to recognize or reward growth in student learning, and did little to elevate the teaching profession or recognize the most effective teachers.
-- To close the data gap — which now handcuffs districts from tracking growth in student learning and improving classroom instruction — states will need to monitor advances in student achievement and identify effective instructional practices.
Achieved high level of growth in student learning as measured by increased standardized test scores
To what extent do you agree that growth in student learning should be a part of a teacher's evaluation?
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