Sentences with phrase «grunt work because»

And then over time may shift to a point where they are not actually doing any of that grunt work because it is so well - informed by Artificial Intelligence.
On the other hand, she may have had very reasonable expectations but has been stuck doing grunt work because everyone in the department gives her their unpleasant tasks.

Not exact matches

He doesn't tolerate people monopolizing equipment or loud grunting, because he knows that makes the 65 - year - old woman working out nearby uncomfortable and intimidated.»
In spite of this knowledge, neither companies nor students regularly get the most out of internships — not because companies are uncaring or want interns to do only grunt work or because students downplay the importance of internships.
That's because I've already done all the grunt work for you, and in the Hedberg Institute FM Apprenticeship, you are getting the benefit of all the education and wisdom that I bring to the table.
And co-authors rise to the occasion based on the quality of their insights and not their proximity to the lead researcher or because they did some grunt work.
Maybe a young couple you are working with end up getting the home of their dreams to raise their children in because of your quick response and hidden grunt work?
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