Sentences with phrase «guaranteed job security»

«Freelancing» rarely relates to «guaranteed,» so a prospective worker can't be blamed if they see these claims — guaranteed income, guaranteed job security — and take pause.
Guaranteed job security and less tuition payments.
The goal was to impose standardized evaluations aimed at removing bad teachers from the classroom, and to end tenure laws that all but guaranteed job security.
A final bill would guarantee job security for those who report incidents of sexual harassment to the state Human Rights Division and shield them from employer retaliation.

Not exact matches

Unlike in years past, having a job no longer guarantees financial security.
A narrow plurality of offerors (49 percent) say the On - Demand economy should not be regulated and companies should compete to offer workers fair pay and benefits, even if it means less security, compared to 40 percent who say the government should regulate the sharing economy to guarantee independent contractors the same benefits afforded to full - time workers, even if it means fewer jobs.
Mattis's job will be to communicate the reliability of US security guarantees, and also to remind these countries that the relationships exist because of shared interests.
For many people, it's helpful to start by grouping potential sources of income into 2 basic buckets: guaranteed income from sources such as Social Security, pensions, and annuities, and variable income from a job, retirement savings, and other sources such as rental real estate.
You become complacent and too comfortable in your work as you have job security guaranteed, and you also lose the drive and challenge you once had or needed.
The UK would have a key part in the new company, so it is vital that job security is guaranteed
«The workers at the Bernard Fineson facility deserve security for their professions, as well as a guarantee that their jobs will not be reassigned to a facility outside of New York City.
Add that outrageous betrayal of trust to her 2009 self - appointed pay raise (and the entire city council) that defied a majority opposition to any pay raise voiced at a public hearing, followed by disobeying public referendum laws that recognized term limits that she abrogated (in favor of arranging an unlawful third term for Michael Bloomberg to serve, that automatically guaranteed her own job security), plus a final and detrimental insult to the working poor that blocked our rightful vote on sick pay coverage, and collectively, it would make total sense to impeach and prosecute such unethical, improper and unfair conduct — that is unbecoming to anyone purporting to serve their constituency.
The job guarantee will provide a backstop for our social security system, making it impossible for people who could and should be working to remain on benefits for years on end.
The National Loan Guarantee Scheme will insure loans to save well - performing companies which will save jobs and create financial security for British families.
To preserve our national security interests and foster innovation and competitiveness, we must sustain our preeminence in space, launching more science missions, guaranteeing unfettered access, and maintaining a source of high - value American jobs
It rests on three pillars: simple job security and longevity, really a form of guaranteed continuing employment (often viewed as a fringe benefit that substitutes for higher pay); protection against diverse forms of discrimination, favoritism and capriciousness on the part of employers; and academic freedom, meaning in essence that instructors can almost never be fired on account of what they say or write.
In the published presentation of results, the question about teacher tenure asks: «Do you support or oppose tenure for teachers, the practice of guaranteeing teachers lifetime job security after they have worked for a certain amount of time?»
The problem is, tenure does not guarantee teachers a job, does not offer any lifetime employment security, and, regardless of the implication of Time's question, does not just happen after a «certain amount of time.»
The enormous pressures and long hours in term time are currently balanced by relative job security, a guaranteed pay structure and good holidays to recover and continue.
Yes, teachers are evaluated — that's another form of accountability — but it's hard to take this form seriously when 97 percent of New York City educators are considered effective or highly effective, as reported on Monday, and life - long job security, barring some egregious act, is guaranteed after four years.
They fear reform will threaten their guaranteed clientele of students and job security.
Furthermore, jobs that are organized through these programs are often pegged as a «two - year job guarantee with a good paycheck,» implying a job security that traditional public schools may not have (Klein).
Even those who do not have an actual job can qualify for the guaranteed personal loan because this loan is available to people who rely on benefits from Social Security Retirement, Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), railroad retirement and other retirement plans, as well as those whose income is derived from child support, alimony, or palimony.
That's because existing government programs including Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and CPP do a good job of taking care of low - income seniors.
For many people, it's helpful to start by grouping potential sources of income into 2 basic buckets: guaranteed income from sources such as Social Security, pensions, and annuities, and variable income from a job, retirement savings, and other sources such as rental real estate.
Because of the high level of job security, the repayments on auto loans for military personnel are basically guaranteed, especially when a facility can be created that sees the payments made automatically from the bank account of the borrower.
They also have other benefits such as the chance to gain relevant work experience, find a mentor, and have some degree of job security — unlike the university route with no guarantee of employment at the end.
First, Flexpat touts «job security» and «guaranteed income» where you'll be paid even when they're still matching you with a position.
In a world where job security is no longer guaranteed many people are now realizing how important it is to have an up to date resume.
CATSINaM also welcomed the guarantee of a further 12 months of funding for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, but raised concerns the impact on planning and job security of the short - term commitment and about broader cuts to Australia's health system, and particularly the introduction of the GP co-payment.
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