Sentences with phrase «guava jam»

Light and creamy cheesecake atop a crunchy graham cracker crust topped with sweet, guava jam for a bite full of flavor.
If you don't have time to make the bbq sauce, you can add 1/2 cup guava jam or jelly into 1 1/2 cups of your favourite flavour BBQ sauce.
Victor's flipping them, one arm on his hip, and we pile on guava jam as fast as he can make them.
Strawberry Cheesecakes by The Blissful Balance Light and creamy cheesecake atop a cruncy graham cracker crust topped with sweet, guava jam for a bite full of flavor.
Packed with tasty organic ingredients, including fresh bananas, peanut butter, guava jam, honey, granola, and coconut squares, this sweet and salty protein wrap is perfect for breakfast or lunch and has tons of awesome health benefits that will leave you feeling satisfied.
The other Belizean treat they serve is a «Fry Jack,» which is, as close as I can describe, a funnel cake that is triangular in shape. They are best eaten with mango or guava jam.
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