Sentences with word «gubmint»

...» So society builds the Beast gubmint god and refuses to hold the medical - governmental priesties» feet to the fire.
Nutzoism is esteemed and revered in gubmint churches AKA as universities.
My advice is to stay away from the fully leavened gubmint churches who are gonna be the target of the Beastie's next meal.
The young climate science wannabes of today are dreaming of novel and slightly plausible ways to fabricate hockeysticks, thinking up remote places for heat to hide, and looking forward to being rewarded with gubmint grants, fame, and all expense paid junkets to Cancun, Bali, and other exotic destinations.
«The fix is in» is commonly heard in the sacred halls of gubmint everywhere now.
Actually now is a very good time to get out of the fully leavened gubmint churches.
The state gubmints don't have any representation.
When's the last time the state gubmints had any representation in the former USA??
Gubmints involved in God's business of joining is just plain ol' fashioned traditions of men in action.
Iran's gubmint passed the law without reading it and the people are stuck with it..
Your GI gubmint god supports the concept of racism, courtesy of new age pharisees.
The usurper gubmint is in charge of marriage and dissolution and people are asking about God??
No thanks on your unionized gubmint doctors.
How much more of a corrupt gubmint do you want?
What about your organized mob gubmint god?
Look at the pile of debt a child born today inherits from the commie mommie gubmint.
-LSB-...] Such blatant defiance from a public servant gubmint drone towards the Propaganda Department Unbiased Media can not be tolerated!
Want to compose a blast about the algore world gubmint or the lyin» scientific elite?
What is WITH you and the «gubmint» sh!te?
The gubmint is in charge of every last detail of existence and the mob agrees to divide up the disagreeable.
But, alas, he did, and you still embrace the «gubmint» passing garbage that YOU agree with.
The left wing merely wants manna from heaven or the gubmint - they don't care as long as they get their «fair» share (which is everything).
Ya better speed up yer evilution with yer gubmint gods before they kill everybody.
I suspect the gubmint Beast LOL refers to would be the military - industrial / consumer driven, drug addled / seexcrazed, videoviolence - death culture we live in.
Whats wrong is the use of the word «gubmint», since it doesn't exist, and the use of the beast (I assume you mean satan since you capitalized it) which also doesn't exist.
When is the socialist mob and their gubmint god gonna let the citizen masters become «FREE AND CLEAR»??
If you think the «gubmint» is out to get you and you need to arm yourself against it then you have some serious mental illness problems and shouldn't be let within 100 yards of a gun.
Yer just ticked that granny smith apples don't receive a mass socie mob invite to the red apple gubmint red mass that the Public Servants receive from the original gubmint Church..
They want the «gubmint» to stay out of their private lives, but think it's just fine to tell women they HAVE no right to privacy.
Your gubmint is a theocracy, a usurping one.
Likely a gubmint pew anyway.
They used their freedom to make the gubmint their god!
Have you figured out the cost yet for turning the gubmint into a god?
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