Sentences with phrase «guess what»

Guess what, everyone else will live and you will be helping us all.
If the league interferes with you beliefs, guess what?
If you start typing the words «Why are Christian...» into the Google search field, the first autocomplete suggestion — created by an algorithm that attempts to guess what you are going to type based on the volume of past searches — is pretty depressing:
Guess what, you already know His truth so, no amount of denying Him will change His judgement towards you.
We can only guess what God is from what comes over the falls.
Well, guess what month the Jewish leap month of Adar 2 falls on?
If you're poor because you're lazy, guess what, it's a sin.
Oh, and guess what (believer it or not), I am a circumcised, a first - born male, and a believer.
Like love, evolution, proof itself changes (i can prove 2 +2 = 4 and we know its true but guess what, in other parts of space math can not exist, it falls apart..
Hey, guess what: Jesus loves Mormons too.
Guess what question prospective employers will ask?
Well guess what that has nothing to do with the saved loving relationship of a gay couple now does it.
(Can you guess what all the link categories have in common?)
I guess what I'm getting at is God is much bigger than our little relgious boxes we draw and humble, peace loving people are usually closer to God than scared, judgmental people.
Guess what — same result!
Guess what, if the word PRAYER is not mentioned in those verses., the topic is not about prayer.
Anyway, I was looking for some images recently for one of my blog posts on the violence of God in the Bible and came across a whole series of internet God memes, and guess what?
Guess What!!!!!! We don't need your vote because it is over.
I am sure your statement is true but I guess what I found interesting was that for some atheist they are just as dogmatic as the religious folks.
Guess what... the tide is turning and more and more of us are done putting up with your perversions and twisting attacks.
Guess what the fragrance name was — LATTER RAIN!
Hey Jason - guess what?
If that is you, guess what?
Only Communist China does that, and guess what?
guess what, I'm an atheist, so I guess that means ALL the christians and muslims in this country who ROUTINELY criticise non-believers should leave immediately.
Guess what I slipped a few times, but they were always there to pick me back up, and I have never drank and drove in my 26 years, I drank underage, but never been to jail.
And guess what: nobody has ever been tortured or killed in the name of either one, and there are no sacred images or writings to get offended about when someone burns them.
Guess what, you can get the same psychosomatic effects from normal meditation!
I grew up in Utah, I am sure you can guess what religion I was born into and raised in... Mormon.
I'm sorry but most Christians are good and guess what, so are most Muslims, they're good too.
We get to be part of community that is rich and full, and guess what?
Guess what the rest of US will run our own country our own way and if the canadians don't like it, tough sh it.
I guess what comes out the mouth says alot about a person.
Guess what that means?
I guess what I want to say is that we should try to be mindful of the fact that it's far too easy to make negative internal attributions about comments on the internet.
You get a phrase or word, and have to guess what usually comes next when people Google it.
Watch Christopher Columbus sailing west and guess what is in his mind!
I guess what I'm wondering is at what point you or he actually filed for divorce?
I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't see people living their lives in anything remotely like «total denial of self.»
I turned the Bible inside out, combed through dozens of commentaries, conducted word searches and topic studies and extensive research... and guess what.
It would be difficult to guess what position Wesley would take on these issues, and, in fact, it would not matter greatly.
And guess what, this whole Jesus thing, pervades through a lot more religions in their figures.
Learn how to embrace the not - ideal times of writing, too — I have often snatched out thirty minutes here and there and maybe I only got a paragraph of words on the page but guess what?
Years later they learned of each others work, & when the NASA scientist set his scale model of the craft in the German scientists scale model of the hanger, guess what?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes Scripture silences me with awe.
Well guess what DallyDo, after reading only the first few lines of your paragraph it was easily discovered that you do not know what in the world you are talking about.
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