Sentences with phrase «guess work rather»

It continues a dangerous president in climate science to make up data in regions that requires guess work rather than observations.

Not exact matches

That's the problem with «thought for thought» translation, it relies on guessing God's thoughts and Id rather read his words and work out his thoughts for myself.
I'm guessing people want to make their church (or computer) work as intended rather than be told that the devil is really running it.
Personally I'd rather they spent their time working w / charities and helping people rather than milling about, preaching that the world is going to end but I guess that in general they are pretty harmless and at least they're not the kind of religious nut that harms other people.
The version in the pic looks like it has white onions rather than green onions, but I'm guessing both would work fab.
His K and BB rates were underwhelming through most of the minors, but that may have been the org making him work on secondaries rather than blow everyone away with the fastball I guess.
Why don't we look at their measurables so we know what works, rather than guessing based on how well they did against college level talent.
What a great way to decide if a section needs to be renamed or perhaps to reorganise the order in which they appear rather than relying on guess work.
I still am working on her daytime naps which all of a sudden aren't as much or rather too short I guess???? But really it was very good and I really needed it especially since I am starting my job in three weeks..
I couldn't have asked for a more graphic illustration of the importance of making the team work, and the power of being process -, rather than result -, orientated (something rather alien to most scientists, I would guess).
But as we are a people who work by calendar, rather than climate, I guess it's time to starting thinking about fall projects.
I am rather dry to normal so I guess I have to try them out to see if they work.
Occasionally you pay in to earn the feeling that you got a little bit closer you really haven't, as you ultimately find another paywall, and then another, and then another... As a enthusiast in actual Game Theory (the scientific theory as applied in everything from chess to politics) these freemium titles I find are actually not «games» but rather «toys»... I guess it works for some but I refuse to play games that feel intentionally hamstringed with the sole purpose of holding back content behind timers and paywalls to manipulate the player.
There are also peer networks that can work really well for beginning teachers but again these meetings that we put together for these young people, or inexperienced teachers I guess, we need to have more experienced teachers that are acting as mentors but also that can steer those conversations more towards problem solving and critical discussions, rather than a venting of «what happened in my class last week», «what disaster occurred».
I have chosen questions to maximise the need for working out the answers, rather than guessing them!
They were probably guessing at the cause of the leak and working by elimination rather than shampooing the engine and running it (after the oil change) for 30 - 45 minutes to find the leak.
Rather than guessing whether aftermarket parts will work out, get things done right the first time with our Mercedes - Benz OEM parts.
I guess I'd rather be writing than spending time updating the «other works by» page, especially since I do link back to my page or, in NRP's case, their home page.
I guess the reason that this time I am envious, rather than pitying my sister for all the work she has before her, is that I'm down to just one dog at the moment and have begun the search for a second.
I guess it is just important to be really thorough in your research and go with a local company that respects local culture and works with the villagers, rather than a (generally but not always) outside company that exploits them.
I'm guessing she'd do better bouncing off a photograph, rather than working directly from it.
Guesswork, being guess - work, provides conjectures rather than answers in response to these questions.
If this is a natural cycle rather than a response to global warming (and I'd guess that it is, but I haven't seen attribution work on this yet?)
A NSIDC spokesman should at least have read this body of work and be able to address it properly rather than guessing based on dogma.
I could write a post on this, but as you may guess, I'd rather make Denizens work for the answers they seek.
Some of us non-academic types work in industries where a mistake can get people killed, and we tend to be rather careful about making assumptions or taking a guess at stuff.
Aaron Street: Yeah, I guess rather than an analogy to cars I think maybe a more useful way of thinking about this is more like an insurance sales person or even more a financial advisor, wealth manager, where you are engaging them for the purpose of giving you advice and it turns out that their business model, though it involves giving advice, also includes things like selling you product and this isn't to denigrate law firm IT consultants, or tech consultants in general, it's just to make sure that people are aware of how their business model works and then to make sure that you're using them in a way that acknowledges that.
Figure out what work - life balance means to them (rather than guessing).
For example, rather than going for a wild guess before marriage, you may be better able to assess your insurance requirement if you know about your spouse's salary or whether your spouse is working or not.
I guess my point was that I don't give a shit about the Reddit user who posted it — I'd rather see a link back to the source THEY used, since they actually need the revenue to continue doing their work.
I'm guessing that your magic is working and rather quickly I must say.
I adore everything you have done to your home, you are very talented and I guess the only reason I am leaving this comment, rather than taking the say something nice or say nothing road, is to make the point that only you can decide if it works.
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