Sentences with phrase «guidance of a teacher»

Under the careful guidance of teachers in this studio, I have adopted a holistic practice that is fulfilling and spiritual.
It creates an atmosphere of collaboration under the wise guidance of teachers.
As the practitioner learns how to do this and under guidance of the teacher blocked thoughts, emotions and trapped stress inside the body starts coming up to the surface of mind and body before setting free.
Working independently, but with the close guidance of the teacher, children thrive as they quickly master the simple moves.
In other words, it was all asynchronous, taking place without the real - time guidance of a teacher.
He scolded followers who let pupils respond to things «according to their own desires» without the intelligent guidance of teachers.
Whooo's Reading would not be what it is today without the brilliant ideas and guidance of our teacher advisory board.
As a director, you are responsible for the support and guidance of teachers as they continue their journey towards -LSB-...] Full Description
Four - and five - year - olds will learn under the guidance of a teacher and an early childhood educator.
On the mission field the image might be a class that, with the guidance of its teacher, has obviously done something creative and satisfying.
Back then it felt like it was largely an American thing and I had so many questions and uncertainties that I was struggling with I felt it would be easier to have the guidance of a teacher.
RE provides the opportunity for them to discuss openly their opinions with those who have different views, in the safety of the classroom with the guidance of a teacher.
A headstand is an advanced inversion pose that should be learnt under the guidance of a teacher.
Regardless of whether you take a «led» or «Mysore» class, the Ashtanga Yoga method should be learned and practiced under the guidance of a teacher with many years of personal practice and experience.
Appropriately called «Mysore - style» classes, students of all levels practice together in the yoga room under the guidance of the teacher.
Ashtanga Yoga primary series is practiced under the guidance of the teachers, where the students jump from one pose to another as they incorporate physical movements with breath, gaze, and locks.
(This is an advanced posture and should be practiced with care and with the guidance of a teacher if it is new to you!)
Or, do you wonder how to get started and stay focused without the guidance of a teacher?
We listen to the guidance of the teachers cueing; alignment, transitions and otherwise but we also get to be present in the pose.
With viewers in hand, all of the students began their expedition with the guidance of their teachers.
In this approach (Tytler, Prain, Hubber & Waldrip, 2013), students are strategically challenged to draw, construct models, role play or generate animations to explain phenomena, and then under the guidance of the teacher to discuss and refine these.
The group of volunteer students, under the guidance of a teacher or other coach, could design a vision for their school campus, setting optimistic goals in the process.
The best infrastructure could be provided, tools could be abundant, and systems supported; however, without the guidance of a teacher willing to challenge traditional pedagogy and inspire students, there is nothing to feed the system.
Instead of trying to apply concepts they learned in class at home by themselves, they watch a 5 - 7 minute lecture at home, write down any questions they may have, and apply the concepts in class with the guidance of the teacher.
While students were given international tests in math and science, their teachers were asked what percentage of the overall class time was being spent on lectures, and what percent was being spent either on individual problem - solving or problem solving under the guidance of the teacher.
Or should students be encouraged to engage in problem solving, sometimes on their own, sometimes with the guidance of their teacher?
At the Wild Rose School, two students work on bead frames to learn math operations under the guidance of their teacher.
It's one thing to use a tablet computer and its apps to learn basic literacy skills; but learning to create, read critically, use online content responsibly and be a respectful digital citizen are not always skills that can be learned without the guidance of a teacher of some kind (notice I did not say «adult»).
The Philadelphia School District has directed all teachers in «empowerment schools» — the schools with poor test scores — to use Reading Mastery for 45 minutes before starting on another literacy block, 75 minutes of students reading together, independently, or under the guidance of a teacher.
The CTTL's goal is for all students — regardless of zip code or school type — to learn and develop with the guidance of a teacher who knows the research behind how his or her brain works, learns, and changes.
Learning best occurs when students construct their own understandings, under the guidance of a teacher who offers varying levels of support, which are reflective of students» current abilities and needs.
Learning best occurs when students construct their own understandings, under the guidance of a teacher who offers varying levels of support, as needed informed by students» current abilities and needs.
We provide games, activities, and quizzes for kids to use under the guidance of their teachers and parents.
The discrimination essay topics must be chosen under the guidance of teachers.
Present subject matter to students under the direction and guidance of teachers, using lectures, discussions, or supervised role - playing methods.
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