Sentences with phrase «guide dietary recommendations»

Blood tests can be used for routine monitoring and to guide dietary recommendations.

Not exact matches

The recommendations in the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating help us choose foods for good health and to reduce our risk of chronic health problems.
Trying out new meal and snack ideas and recipes based on the recommendations from the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is a great way to make healthy choices and lose any extra weight.
Dietary Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Practitioners.
Dietary recommendations for children and adolescents: A guide for practitioners.
The dietary recommendations of countries that rely on their health departments to formulate them, rather than their agriculture departments, more closely parallel the recommendations of academics, such as Walter Willet, the chair of Harvard's nutrition department, who, in his «Essentials of healthy eating: a guide,» talks about picking the best «protein packages,» recognizing that food is a package deal.
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