Sentences with phrase «guided reading session so»

This online video unlocks the secret to a successful guided reading session so teachers are no longer «winging it» for Guided Reading, but truly prepared to engage with students about the text.
Jen Jones - The Secret to a Successful Guided Reading Session: This online video unlocks the secret to a successful guided reading session so teachers are no longer «winging it» for Guided Reading, but truly prepared to engage with students about the text.

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What we have all known for years is that kids always seem to know the latest — somehow, they absorb it through their skin — so if a desperate parent asks what's good to read, you might suggest a little «the birds and the bytes» session with their children, with the roles of wise guide and curious questioner reversed.
Then I planned how I would respond by preparing such interventions as graphic organizers, study guides, supplementary readings, and additional help sessions so that I would be ready the moment students struggled.
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