Sentences with phrase «guilt people»

Our programs are non-biased and free from tactics that shame or guilt people into decisions that may not be right for them.
We're not making a manipulative way to guilt people out of money,» Refenes says.
«The work we do with the Humane Society is to try to get them away from doing things that show images of sad puppies, or guilt people into feeling bad about it,» Carley says.
you expect an adopter to pay hundreds of dollars for a dog that has been abandoned / not wanted, not trained properly (usually, why they have been gotten rid off... yes, sure... feel sorry for the dog... but the «new owner» will pull their hair out trying correct behavior isssues... some dogs aren't even potty trained... they try and guilt people in «buying» a used dog that others gave up on (and maybe more than once).
I know that January was full of people trying to lose those Holiday pounds, but I hate how the diet and fitness mass industrial complex guilt people into losing weight.
It is a puerile and pathetic argument, meant to guilt people into acquiescence, but since it is being entertained, we must ask whether it is true.
Are they going to tell their church that the Bible doesn't require Christians to tithe, or repeat the «party line» to guilt people into giving money to pay the church mortgage and their salary (which pays their personal mortgage)?
Yes... well I've never been to Italy, but you don't see me going around w a bowl to have people pay for my trip... I have what's called a job, and I do what's called being responsible and don't use a «higher power» to guilt people into giving money and then taking it for a damn trip.
If either of these theories are true, we must be careful about using the verse to guilt people into «coming to church.»
Yes, the whole law of the tithe is so twisted in our churches, all in an attempt to guilt people into giving their money to an institution that claims to be doing «the Lord's work.»
Many pastors and churches use Malachi 3:8 («Will a man rob God») to guilt people into giving to the church while the church is robbing the poor of that which is rightfully theirs by misappropriating these funds into salaries, buildings, etc..
I fear that by trying to guilt people into keeping their butts in the pew, pastors will be fighting against what God is doing in the church.
Stop guilting people over their choices.
But if guilting people into sales is the method of getting there, it makes me question the value of your offerings.

Not exact matches

We mean that just like a lot of people simply make decisions and later live with the decision - making guilt, buying property could just be one of those things you could have just gotten yourself into.
POLITICO's Ben Smith described this as a «passive - aggressive» fundraising ploy — using a person's address to guilt them into making a donation.
As inclusion the list is not typically disclosed, pursuing legal challenges to be removed from the list is notoriously difficult — even though the FBI is meant to remove people from the list in a timely manner if its investigations are concluded without finding guilt.
An early sign might be a change in behaviour — for example, you're an easygoing person who turns sullen or snappy, Murphy says, suggesting that you might be wrestling with guilt.
Some people are averse to issuing apologies or even using the word «sorry» because they worry about implicating themselves in guilt or malfeasance.
In essence, they make guilt - free noodles that people really seem to love.
But it can change the mood - or your sense of guilt - if the goal is to actually help this person find the kind of job and organization where they will truly become engaged and successful over the long haul.
The pain does not destroy people, but the guilt will.
Productive people know how to weed out non-critical items in their task lists so they can stay focused and avoid the nagging guilt of a task that just won't get done.
I'm doing it because I want to give value to people first, so that if I ever need something in the future, I want to guilt all of you into buying my book.
(The researchers hypothesize that most people respond negatively to feeling bullied or guilted into changing a behavior.)
But Wylie spoke with particular passion about his own feelings of guilt for helping to develop an advanced new form of political targeting that was used by people whose conservative politics are the opposite of his own.
The horrible thing is... the rejection of homosexuality is what forces the gay person into shame and guilt... which results in suppression of their natural feelings... which results in unhealthy, sinful expressions of those feelings.
Most of «gay pride» is just a rebellion against a lifetime of shame and guilt forced upon the gay person since childhood.
There's nothing like realizing that you weren't born a bad person to make you feel free from guilt and glad to be alive.
People balked at the comparison of gluttony to homosexuality... and I guess my question was why is one so charged with guilt and emotion while the other we don't really care so much about.
Sounds like shared guilt of the individuals involved, not of the entire peoples.
Doesn't that guilt amplify itself when the person you wronged is standing right in front of you?
As such, we are often strongly encouraged (read guilted) into speaking of our faith with people, friends and strangers alike, as often as possible.
Some evils may be derivative from earlier evils (e.g. evil choices by people) rather than necessarily always directly imputed from without by Satan, but for classical Christian cosmology, especially in the Roman Catholic system of inherited guilt, the one (Satan's rebellion and successful tempting of Adam and Eve) causes the other (the Fall and subsequent evils).
The person making the accusation is the person making the claim, he has to provide evidence of guilt, not the other way around.
If a person truly believes that they have been forgiven by the person they wronged, then that guilt they felt would be gone, and they could have a long and meaningful relationship with them.
If you are right (I think you are wrong) and dying in peace is the most important thing to take with you to an Afterlife, then the right thing to do is let the dying person clear the Guilt, Bad Feelings, and any other negative poisons out of their heart and soul.
Nice story, but the Jewish people are slowly but surely realizing that the United States is getting tired of all the hypocritical guilt trips and finger wagging.
kevinite Superman actually feels guilt whenever he proves unable to save people however.
This guilt so clouds their thinking that the are convinced that the Church, or members in the Church, are being unkind to them when it is their imagination and when the people in the Church are reaching out to them the whole time.
No — not just for sins we supposedly committed, but for Adam and Eve's sin of eating from the tree of knowledge — that fable that Christians use to splatter every last person, no matter how good and decent they are, with the guilt tar.
Shared guilt is often a form of pseudo-reconciliation, binding together those who would build new world orders — from the Thousand Year Reich to «tolerant» approaches to «sexual diversity» — in their need to reconcile the people of the world to themselves.
The defenders of institutionalized Christianity are in a panic over dwindling numbers but rather than ask why people are leaving and wondering if perhaps there is a reason they resort to guilt trips and subtle threats to keep people showing up.
: «We found out that many people suffered from the same feelings of guilt and loneliness and hopelessness that we did.
I truly do hope that if people use this book, it is used in the way that Thom undoubtedly intended it to be used, rather than to put guilt trips onto people for not being committed enough.
And yet over the course of writing my blog, I have found that vast numbers of people struggle with fear, guilt, shame, and all sorts of terrible thoughts about God and others, and as I have learned more, I find that many of these feelings come from a faulty view of God.
fishon, I'm not sure that this judgement is in reference to this persons guilt of sin, in as much as it is an act of preserving the community of destructive forces.
I now believe it does a tremendous disservice to honorable people who are faithful believers to place on them the additional burden of guilt, shame and magnified suffering that comes from the kind of doctrine that promotes (sells) prayer as a magic talisman which will somehow change God's mind, alter physical circumstance, and fix intractable problems — if only the one praying has enough faith or asks in the right way or lives a holy enough life or professes Jesus enough or waits patiently or never gives up or any of a hundred different gotchas that can be called upon to justify the lack of an affirmative answer.
The Church should stop inducing guilt by encouraging people to read the Bible and instead provide people with the education required to understand the Scriptures.
My opinion is atheists feel no guilt for say ripping off other people, or even killing them, since they have no fears of repercussions.
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