Sentences with phrase «guilty about drinking»

Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
The CAGE (acronym for cut down on drinking, annoyed by people criticizing, guilty about drinking, and eye - opener or drink first thing in the morning) questionnaire is a widely used alcoholism screening tool.35 It was administered if the caregiver responded that she had ever drunk alcoholic beverages.
The conclusion is that the solution there is not to feel guilty about drinking a soda, but rather to push for a large - scale solution that will make our agricultural and industrial systems free of the need for fossil fuel inputs.
They are super clean so you don't have to feel guilty about drinking sucralose these have NONE!

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If you are anything like me, you enjoy a few cocktails every night now and again, but feel guilty about the amount of calories that seem to go down so easily, especially when you have a habit of eating an entire bag of potato chips after a few drinks because you forget that you're supposed -LSB-...]
Otherwise I might feel guilty about spending my vacation drinking wine with my friends.
A day to kick back in bed all morning, drink freshly pressed dark roast French coffee, read the paper (love the fact that it is on - line now) and not feel guilty about switching off from all the daily responsibilities.
The experts we spoke with agree: Most people shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying the occasional drink — but keep these effects in mind if you're tempted to overdo it.
As a bonus, this drink is a great source of immunity - boosting vitamin C and low in saturated fat and sodium, so you don't have to feel at all guilty about satisfying your sweet tooth.
This drink is a great source of immunity - boosting vitamin C and low in saturated fat and sodium, so you don't have to feel at all guilty about satisfying your sweet tooth.
13 Cleaner Cocktails You Won't Feel Guilty About Enjoying — I don't love the word «guilt» when it comes to food / drinking, but I won't lie, I definitely feel that way sometimes.
Even if I try not to buy them, they often show up, or he'll bring me something I like (such as a drink) but forgets that I'm trying not to eat sugar and I feel guilty about him wasting his money on something I don't eat or drink.
«Seeing friends that I haven't seen in so long and just not feeling guilty about being able to drink wine every day.
While at work, sudden bouts of worry about whether their pup or kitty has eaten enough food or drank enough water might make them feel guilty — there is also the possibility of Fido or Puss getting separation anxiety from being away from their paw - rents for extended periods of time.
While a trip to Stockholm is typically expensive, going in January means you can feel less guilty about the cost of food and drink while there because of discounts on hotels and flights.
I felt pretty guilty about the allergic reaction because I ignored the early signs — rubbing eyes, itchy hands — and bolted to the pub to have a quick drink with a friend who was visiting for 24 hours from Brissie.
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