Sentences with phrase «guilty look»

The awkward, guilty look on the prime minister's face seemed to suggest he realised he might have gone a bit far.
Or ruined carpets, gross odors, stained hardwood floors and guilty looking puppy dog eyes?
But thanks look at me mum, now I feel even more guilty looking at your pictures of you baking with your kids, making Christmas decorations with the kids
«The longer you stay silent, the more guilty you look,» said Gillott Bowe.
I felt so guilty looking at all my resort clothes that I immediately resolved I would try to wear them all and just deal with the dry cleaning costs, but now the weather has turned, and... well.
The research showed that the so - called guilty look was a response to cues from the owner rather than the appreciation of a misdeed.
those are the two cutest guiltiest looking dogs I have seen in awhile.
In the morning, a lot of those lower hanging ornaments were gone, devoured by a very guilty looking cocker spaniel.
The wagging tail and guilty look of Roxo when he ate my dinner off the table as I went to grab a glass of water.
But most, when asked whether they have one, would cast a guilty look at their shoes.
When I looked at my husband he had a guilty look on his face.
Once I actually came upon him talking with my building portier, a guilty look on both their faces.
A guilty look crept across Sam's face.
He'd give a guilty look when we berate him upon seeing the mess.
Whether the dogs» demeanor included elements of the «guilty look» had little to do with whether the dogs had actually eaten the forbidden treat or not.
Thus the dog's guilty look is a response to the owner's behavior, and not necessarily indicative of any appreciation of its own misdeeds.
«Dogs learn that they can show the «guilty look» when we approach them with a certain posture or tone of voice.
What follows is very predictable — the dog goes into a submissive posture («that guilty look»), just in case.
If you've ever had a dog, you know the signature canine «guilty look»: ears back, head cowered, tail tucked.
Myth # 7: When you come home to find an item of value destroyed, and you scold your puppy for it, the guilty look on his face tells you that he knew better; he knew that he was being «naughty».
They say that guilty look is simply a reaction to you.
The dogs that are in the clutches of this condition are not being disobedient or spiteful despite that guilty look that many guardians claim to see when they arrive home.
In reality, «guilty looks» are actually canine submissive postures that dogs show when they're threatened.
Dogs in the clutches of this condition are not being disobedient or spiteful despite the guilty look many guardians claim to see when they arrive home.
Dog owners have no one to blame but themselves when they think their canine pals give them that familiar «guilty look
«Guilty looks» are canine submissive postures that dogs show when they're threatened.
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