Sentences with phrase «gullet for»

Bits and pieces of genetically modified cats have been spilling out of Team Meat's web - gullet for a few months now but the most recent hairball of information catapulted onto the blog contains the clearest description of the game to date.
But unlike Takeru Kobayashi with a barrel full of hot dogs, you're not stuffing your gullet for money, fame, or records.

Not exact matches

Kids (and plenty of adults) will stuff obscene amounts of Hershey's bars, mini Snickers, Tootsie Rolls, lollipops, and even (for some unfathomable reason) Candy Corn down their gullets over the weekend and well past the official Halloween itself next Tuesday.
For the testimony of St. John to the transcendent and pre-existent Divine being of Jesus Christ sticks in the gullet of the modern, «radical» or «liberal» scripture scholar.
But for those of us who really feel our best when some raw veg makes it's way down our gullet, I offer the following suggestions: Add a warm, cooked vegetable to your raw veg salad.
What is a slap in the face is the all the Aussie plonk that has been shifted down the gullets of unsuspecting consumers for the last 20 years.
For my part I have too much pride to ever subscribe to the deification of Wenger by some — «Arsene Knows Best» really sticks in my gullet.
High risks were seen for cancers in the respiratory and upper digestive organs, particularly in the pancreas, mouth, throat, lungs, gullet and stomach.
• Monster menus X 2: In Where the Wild Things Are, little Max goes down a big, hairy girl's gullet as slick as can be, finding refuge in something like a womb... while Coraline, menaced by a Mommy Dearest literally hungry for love, naïvely insists that «Mothers don't eat daughters!»
It's too clear that The Sweetest Thing is expressly for idiots who don't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance.
Under the bonnet, the new M3 swaps a high - revving 4.0 - liter V8 for a new twin - turbocharged 3.0 - liter inline six - cylinder engine that forces 18 psi of air down the engine's gullet to create more power from less displacement.
For something different (and romantic) ask about the day cruise on a Turkish gullet; blue sky, blue sea, white sails....
It, too, has a riff on Courbet's painting (thanks go to the museum's communications director Gabriel Einsohn for pointing this out to me): the painting Birth of the Universe # 4, a neon pink and orange intergalactic battle in which beings with flaming penises for eyes and vaginal - mouthed gullets full of cosmoses smolder in space.
Now, traditional spirits like gin, rum and whisky are beginning to change; in order to compete for a share of the public gullet in the current era, they're available in an increasing variety of flavours.
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