Sentences with phrase «gullible children»

It's nothing but a myth told to small, gullible children to make them think life is living, when really it's just an endless bleakiness of rain and occasional snow, the kind of weather that forges warriors.
I hope the insane gullible children enjoy this debate.
Religion is not some neutral nonsense like the tooth fairy that everyone except gullible children believe in.
Thus spake the gullible child who has been brainwashed into accepting a Bronze Age tribal war - god.
They do not believe that words alone, by a manipulative ex-spouse, could sway the mind of a gullible child.

Not exact matches

So for the normal thinking person, the one who is not gullible and living in fear of a vindictive child abusing - rapist - murderer god, there simply is no reason to accept it.
Spiritual but not religious people are still brain - washed but at least they are not gullible enough to give their money to the child molesters at their church.
Apparently, you're the gullible poster child of indoctrination.
wilbur So would you threaten to send a child to hell for simply not being gullible enough to buy into ancient myths?
Teaching creationism to gullible kids is child abuse.
@krissmith777: Yes, those who actually believe the nonsense in the bible to be true are lunatics, or at least as gullible as little children.
He loses his faith, abandons his Jewish wife and their children with no compunction, and plans a sado - masochistic experiment on a gullible adolescent girl, Tilly Czarnieka.
That's right folks you heard it here — you have to be gullible and unknowing like a child to believe there is a god.
The crosses are necessary to brainwash children while they are young and gullible.
Prove your god, heaven, hell, etc exist or shut your trap... only the mentally ill and children have imaginary friends, given that you're not likely a child you would be best advised to seek the local asylum and get medicated for your delusions before you cause damage to the world or better yet, take a leap of faith and then tell us if your imaginary friend exists you gullible fool!!
Gullible and Children.
All perfectly reasonable to the gullible mind of a child... and why not... it is after all coming from the only authority I knew.I could trust.
Only children are gullible enough to believe in fairy tales, grow up.
Gullible fools like you haven't really studied your so - called savior or you wouldn't talk about him but would instead slink away in shame that you were so easily fooled by child - molesters.
They often aren't even willing to know why and even if they are, they very often look at c - section havers as gullible and not enlightened enough or strong enough to have gone through with natural child birth.
In Children of the Core, Kris Nielsen claims that a nefarious cabal, which he terms the «Common Core Network,» is pushing the Common Core on a gullible public.
This sounds eerily like the so - called «great schools» the vultures at AF (and AF copy cats) own and control, making money off of the backs of poor, underprivileged, and underserved African - American children and their gullible parents.
I did not call parents gullible «because they want another option» for their children.
«making money off of the backs of poor, underprivileged, and underserved African - American children and their gullible parents.»
It insults the intelligence of any parent and any child who is not totally gullible.
Do pharmaceutical companies prey on children and pets because they are the most loved by gullible parents and owners who would do anything to «protect» them?
Be warned of the game's offensive content, though: drugs are used liberally in the game (Cocaine keeps you awake and make you run faster), and the mention of Satan and various minions of Hell, although cast in a humorous light, make this game unsuitable for young children or anyone gullible enough to believe it;) Otherwise, it's a great game you will get hooked for days, especially in multiplayer mode.
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