Sentences with phrase «gum inflammation»

"Gum inflammation" refers to the swelling and irritation of the gums, which can be caused by poor oral hygiene, infection, or other factors. Full definition
Over time, tartar causes gum inflammation, pain and tooth loss.
As a result of gum inflammation, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and harm other parts of the body including the heart, liver, and kidneys.
She'll check for gum inflammation, which can contribute to heart disease and diabetes.
Cleaning helps prevent gum inflammation, tooth loss, and oral pain.
More plaque attaches to the top of the tartar, leading to more gum inflammation.
There are other signs of dog dental disease that are not as noticeable as tartar or gum inflammation around the dog's teeth.
If gum inflammation or deeper periodontal disease is allowed to develop, these bacteria get into the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body.
Issues like gum inflammation and tooth loss can not only be very painful for your pet, but can also lead to more serious conditions, including heart, lung and kidney damage.
At any sign of gum inflammation, you should take your cat in for a veterinary exam.
Chewing the resin can strengthen the teeth and gums as well as reduce gum inflammation.
With time, gum inflammation associated with canned diets causes the tissues surrounding the teeth to recede and the teeth to loosen.
Many of our dogs undergo dental cleanings and extractions to treat painful dental disease and prevent serious health problems that can develop from gum inflammation such as heart, kidney, and liver disease.
- > the bacteria in the plaques trigger an autoimmune response from the body, resulting in gum inflammation.
The oil will collect and destroy all the bacteria in your mouth and resolve problems such as gum inflammation or gingivitis.
For pets that need to have teeth removed, or with severe gum inflammation, we also administer antibiotics and pain relief medication.
Complications from not treating dental disease can be severe including: - Dogs with unchecked gum inflammation may be at a higher risk for heart, kidney, and liver disease - Pathological Jaw Fractures: overtime untreated dental disease erodes the bone in the jaw to the extent only a small amount of pressure can lead to a broken jaw in a small dog - It will only continue to get worse outside of a professional cleaning not consumer product will fix your pets dental disease
For those pets that experience difficulty during brushing, using dental water additives and rinses such as Be Fresh Dental Care Solution, C.E.T. Oral Rinse, and C.E.T. Aquadent may help soothe gum inflammation, freshen breath, and kill harmful bacteria involved in plaque buildup and progressive periodontal disease.
Whether in humans or in animals, periodontal (gum) disease ranges from early - stage gingivitis, which is characterized by gum inflammation, to advanced - stage periodontitis, which is often characterized by damage to the jawbone and soft tissue around the teeth.
Studies are still being conducted to establish how the two are linked but there is little doubt that the build up of plaque causes gum inflammation which encourages bacteria build u in your blood vessels.
Gum disease is a common oral issue for adults, ranging from slight gum inflammation to serious dental issues, including losing teeth.
It is also effective against gum inflammation mainly because it contains polyphenols.
Mild gum inflammation caused by plaque buildup is often referred to as gingivitis.
Used to reduce gum inflammation and overgrowth, and reduce size of epuli (gum tumors).
With time, gum inflammation associated with canned diets can causes the tissues surrounding your pet's teeth to recede, the teeth to loosen and their breath to have a bad odor.
This is important not only for their own comfort, but also to allow the attending veterinarian or skilled technician to clean above and below the gum line, scale, probe and polish all of the teeth and assess the nature and extent of gum inflammation and infection.
Then, your vet will examine your cat's mouth and teeth for gum inflammation, signs of excess tartar, and / or any tooth abnormalities or breakage.
They also accumulate large amounts of tartar along their gumlines resulting in gum inflammation or gingivitis.
There it was revealed that he had severe gum inflammation and dehydration and he had to be hospitalised for several days with steroids and antibiotics administered.
For example, dogs with unchecked gum inflammation may be at higher risk for heart, kidney, and liver disease.
The chlorhexidine - based C.E.T. Oral Rinse can help soothe gum inflammation and kill harmful bacteria involved in plaque buildup and progressive periodontal disease.
Bacteria in the mouth causes gum inflammation and the gum line to recede with corresponding breakdown of supporting bone.
Dental disease can cause serious problems for your pet, ranging from gum inflammation and tooth loss to infection and even organ damage.
The reason: The very same hormonal changes that bring about nausea and breast tenderness can cause gum inflammation (pregnancy gingivitis).
Having some plaque on your teeth is perfectly normal, but if it gets out of hand, it can cause various problems, including bad breath, gum inflammation, gingivitis and cavities.
If you can continue ketogenic diet plan for a period of 3 and 4 months, you will notice that you have got rid of any tooth problem you had before like tooth decay and gum inflammation.
Since most periodontal disease involves not just gum inflammation and pocketing, but also loss of the bone height supporting the teeth, we can assume that this bone loss, along with the gum inflammation is involved with the heart attack as well.
Dr. Liao helps patients build natural health by addressing dental infections, gum inflammations, snoring / sleep apnea, teeth grinding, bite - related headaches and neck - back pain.
Removing plaque helps prevent cavities, gingivitis, gum inflammation, yellow teeth and bad breath.
I switched back to a variation of Gerson eating with Price's eating (which is nothing more than how MY FAMILY has been eating for generations... no sugar (it was too expensive), low carb, raw milk and COOKED veggies with every meal including bone broth and animal fat... and my gum inflammation has gone done significantly with no pain since then.
I know that you can't diagnose or advise me, but was curious if you've ever had patients with candida problems also present with gum recession / gum inflammation and / or low platelet count?
Oral Infection: Gum inflammation (gingivitis) weakens the gums natural defense mechanism, leading to infection, which is often smelly.
This bacteria and tartar can lead to gingivitis (gum inflammation), which is the body's response to the unhealthy bacteria.
When the bacteria of the mouth becomes unbalanced and causes excessive tartar buildup and gum inflammation, it opens a door into the bloodstream and straight to the heart.
Gingivitis (gum inflammation) causes pain while chewing and it can lead to behavioral changes (aggression, lethargy, etc).
Lasers are commonly utilized after surgery to help with surgical site healing, after dental procedures to help gum inflammation, and on any wounds.
Occasionally infections can lead to more chronic symptoms, such as gingivitis (gum inflammation), conjunctivitis, or nasal congestion.
These procedures are painful to the pet if there is any gingivitis (gum inflammation) and provide a false sense of security.
Single, but most often multiple applications, treat common conditions in cats and dogs including, but not limited to, joint and disc disease, arthritis, acute or chronic otitis (ear infections), cystitis (bladder inflammation), gingivitis (gum inflammation), hot spots, wounds, abscesses, and surgical incisions.
This leads to gingivitis or gum inflammation / infection.
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