Sentences with phrase «gun people»

And I use fast mag on my smg for quicker reloads when I'm gunning people down as I move to my next spot.
Mainline Democrats in the state Senate on Tuesday plan to push a package of gun control measures they say are needed given the Republican control of the White House and Congress — placing new restrictions on those convicted of hate crimes and limiting the number of guns a person can purchase in a month.
Wunderlich analyst Rommel Dionisio told NBCNews that those reasons also determine which guns people go out to buy.
They could do that your right but in the time it took to do that do yo know how many people that own guns would kill those who try to take their guns
Do we say a police officer has a dark, wantonly violent side because he uses deadly force on a person who is wantonly gunning people down in a shopping mall?
When America panics then most people pack a gun
Like GTA, players can do any number of things from running around on the streets looking for fights / gunning people down to jacking cars and getting into street races to going for a cruise around the coast.
It's a matter of time before some nut takes these continual calls for violence to heart and walks into a gay home, club or parade and starts gunning people down.
When are all of you anit - gun people going to start a prius ban?
Acknowledging there's much still to be learned about Paddock, his state of mind, and his motivations, Safir said, «There should be a database for police departments and federal agencies of people who have been... mentally disturbed where before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.»
Harry: that doesn't hold up when you consider the «good» Christians that gun people down in churches while other Christians cheer them or make excuses for their behavior.
I mean, religion will attract all the religious people and guns will attract the gun people.
You say the gun people are angry and that makes it a «serious issue»..
Funny how you can scold me for having an opinion without «working the crowd» and «pressing the flesh» of the gun people and get to know them intimately, while you seem to be some armchair expert on what all Albany police officers mutter in private.
Worse still, the guns these people are carrying are weapons of war.
But because she had recently violated a section of the law that forbids lobbyists from sending people on expensive junkets (something about paying a congressman to go on an «educational» tour of Indonesia regarding taxes on palm oil), she is called up for a Senate hearing led by Senator Ron M. Sperling (John Lithgow), who is in the pocket of the gun people and seeks to send her to a federal penitentiary.
The company lucky enough to have her on the staff is one headed by two venal men, George Dupont (Sam Waterston) and Pat Connors (Michael Stuhlbarg), who have a lucrative contract with the gun people.
There was a rumour that Red Dead 2 was meant to be revealed at the end of Sony's E3 conference, they supposedly pulled it due to the clip showing the character going into a saloon and gunning people down or something along those lines, with the shooting in the gay club that week it was pulled and replaced with the playing of Days Gone, that was the rumour anyway.
They gun people down until they go down themselves.
Bucky O'Hare is a side scrolling Beat «Em Up, but because you actually use a gun some people may consider it a run and gun.
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