Sentences with phrase «guppy poecilia»

Female mate copying in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): age - dependent effects.
Mike Albo, the freelancer who mused about feeling like a «guppy who is being eaten by his mother» after being outed as a taker of press trips, has fictionalized his experience and put it up for sale as a Kindle Single.
Talk about an item that is bulletproof — it's the guppy.
Another species benefiting from the mini-tank craze is the guppy.
It's got the same clean, subdued lines of its Sonata sister, which won't raise any pulses but are a definite improvement over the guppy - mouthed look of the last car.
Toyota's 2004 FTX concept truck was a fairly accurate, if more guppy - like, precursor to the all - new model.
In fact, those bulging arches and the wide, guppy - mouth grille give it the look of a squatting toad, which seems like a terribly unkind thing to say about a car whose styling I actually rather like, but I spotted the similarity this morning when it was hopping along in my rear - view mirror and I haven't been able to shift the thought since.
It's more shark than happy guppy.
A quick look at the enormous «guppy plane», which delivers fuselage pieces for assembly into Airbus planes.
by Bill Chambers Appealing newcomer Nick Cannon stars in Drumline as Devon, a Harlem high - school graduate making the transition from a big fish in a small pond to a guppy in the ocean that is Atlanta A&T.
Amy K. Schwartz & Andrew P. Hendry — 2007 (1)([email protected]>) Keywords: adaptation, divergent selection, ecological speciation, guppy, mate choice, predation, preference function, sexual selection
Animals from waters with guppy - hungry predators aged more slowly than did fish from pools cut off from predators by waterfalls — an apparent contradiction of the classical theory.
Other aspects of guppy ecology were consistent with classical theories.
Mating between mosquito fish — a relative of the guppy — is far from romantic.
The study looked at MHC genetic variation in 59 guppy populations across Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, and Hawaii.
Led by Dr. Gregor Rolshausen, then a postdoctoral researcher at McGill working with Prof. Andrew Hendry, the team went to study the guppy fish living in polluted areas, comparing their morphology and genetic makeup to those of similar guppies from non-polluted parts of Trinidad.
Although the benefits and risks of guppy releases may be highly context - dependent, some researchers are simply taking a hard line.
For decades, the little guppy Poecilia reticulata has been championed as a mosquito fighter and dumped into ponds and ditches to eat up the insect's larvae.
The little guppy Poecilia reticulata has developed a big reputation.
«If someone comes out and says, «Actually it doesn't work and it's going to cause you a problem,» that can decrease the chance that the government would be more open to trying [guppy release] on a large scale,» he says.
The guppy, a freshwater fish from South America, is popular among aquarium enthusiasts and scientists alike.
Veteran guppy researcher John Endler of the University of California, Santa Barbara, agrees that this is one of several possible explanations.
Good looks are nothing to sniff at, but if you're a male guppy in a murky stream, your body odor may be more important for attracting mates.
But whatever the explanation, he has always suspected that smell must be important for these fish and he's pleased that this new side of the guppy's sex life has finally been revealed.
Evolutionary biologists thought the female guppy always chooses her mate by his vibrant colors and swinging tail.
Again, we anticipate the emergence of a new species: the blue guppy.
«AS CLEVER as a guppy» is not a huge compliment.
Personal computers in 2008 are just about a match for the 0.1 - gram brain of a guppy, but a typical PC would have to be at least 10,000 times more powerful to perform like a human brain.
To do it, they set out for the Caribbean island of Trinidad, home of a small freshwater fish called the Trinidadian guppy.
While some of the fish were left alone, others were exposed to what looked like a predator — a doll version of a guppy - eating fish called a pike cichlid.
goddess pink gooseberry purple grubby knees gray galactic blue guppy green golly molly pink great orange
Such grace, such beauty, such total awesomeness that few men on Earth — let alone playing football for a Premier League guppy — have ever performed.
The guppy with stoch, and macd is a great tool to have, when all three line up and point in the same direction its almost magical, Great entry signals but not so good for exits.
Back in the lab, Endler proved his hypothesis by creating guppy populations that over just 10 generations adapted to the different environmental challenges and advantages he introduced.
But beached by technical ailments and rendered toothless by advancing technology, it was ultimately more guppy than great white.
Males guppies care about food less, which could explain why they did not perform well on the tests.
In the study researchers selected guppies for large and small brain sizes.
The guts from the guppies were also found to be 20 percent smaller in larger - brained guppies and they had 19 percent less offspring than their smaller brained counterparts.
Studying the fish in their native habitats in Venezuela and Trinidad, he realized the guppies that lived in the pools below waterfalls tended to have very dull coloration.
Children squeeze the trigger to open his mouth, then try to gobble up all the little guppies as they float on the water's surface as fast as they can.
We have those Gobble Gobble Guppies and just love them.
5 Reasons to Watch Bubble Guppies & See Bubble Guppies Live Bubble Guppies Live coming to The Fox Theatre Have your little ones discovered the Bubble Guppies on NickJr?
We were sent the Fisher Price Bubble Guppies toys, Organic Babies Dry Skin Lotion and Fairy dishwasher tablets for the purposes of this review.
In fact, I sometimes think that having Noah has made us miss Will more, because we often wonder how much he would have been like Noah — would he have grinned when he heard the theme song to Bubble Guppies?
One would hope the US Attorney would find time to harpoon this «Whale of Corruption» once he's done sharpening his aim on the political guppies he's hunted so far.
But the groups formed by those guppies were on average smaller than the groups formed by the fish that were not exposed to predators.
Guppies exposed to predators tend to aggregate into smaller, more tightly knit groups, which may allow them to coordinate their predator avoidance strategies.
Heathcote thinks that the tighter - knit friendships that come from small groups allow guppies to more effectively cooperate in their predator avoidance activities.
[Robert J. P. Heathcote et al., Fear of predation drives stable and differentiated social relationships in guppies, in Scientific Reports]
Ecologists have shown that organisms in the wild can evolve rapidly — just 4 years for male guppies to become 15 % heavier — when placed into new environments (Science, 28 March, p. 1934).
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