Sentences with phrase «gut connection»

Months after my investigation of the brain - gut connection began, I faced the acid test.
Three years later, I learned the autoimmune gut connection.
You have likely experienced this brain - gut connection before when you sense a «gut feeling,» «butterflies in your stomach» or anxiety - induced nausea.
«A lot of people talk about [brain - gut connections].
This week Savvy Psychologist Dr. Ellen Hendriksen goes straight for the gut with three surprising mind - gut connections
Commentary: Oral - gut connection: one step closer to an integrated view of the gastrointestinal tract?
Today's digest has an interesting commentary on the oral - gut connection and a brilliant piece on microbial diversity.
The mind - gut connection is huge, and the more I stressed about food, the worse my symptoms were even though I was eating «OK» low - FODMAP meals.
There's no question that the brain / gut connection is huge, and this study only provides further evidence of this.
While there are many specifics to consider, here are four things I look for in just about everyone when addressing the brain - immune - gut connections:
From food allergies to asthma and ADHD, there is a gut connection between this symptoms.
Several close friends had their acne drastically improve just by removing sugary drinks and pasteurized dairy (which also make sense in light of the gut connection) so that is a great place to start if you still consume those.
In recent years, it has been scientifically that there is a brain - gut connection and keeping your gut in balance will yield a happier, healthier you!
Gut connection: Your skin can reflect what is happening in your digestive system and with the balance of bacteria in your gut.
Of course, this can be slightly thrown off by evening water consumption habits, but for the most part, your brain - gut connection should be less active at this point.
The expanding scientific knowledge around autoimmunity is astounding... gut biome, immunity, brain - gut connection, environmental factors, epigenetics...
The digestive tract is particularly vulnerable to stress via the brain - gut connection.
The gluten and gut connection is complex and runs deep.
The Sleep - Gut Connection
In The Mind - Gut Connection, Dr. Emirian Mayer states that the bacteria in your microbiome transform the food you eat into «hundreds of thousands of metabolites.»
Then, look at the scientific connections between nutrition and the blood - brain - gut connection and many of the psychological and health aspects fall into place, with bone broth as a unique, foundational «delivery system.»
Because of this brain - gut connection, it stands to reason that IBS and other digestive disorders can be treated with GI and behavioral medicine approaches.
Emotional and mental stability and wellness is intimately connected with the brain - gut connection.
Although the researchers were pleased — and a little surprised — to see the findings so clearly support their hypothesis, the study is just the first in a series they have planned to continue exploring the mind - gut connection, including another examination of the data to see whether a correlation exists between fermented food intake and autism symptoms, said Hilimire.
But we're starting to see a lot of studies that are tying good digestive balance and microbial gut health to everything from better skin to what's been called a brain - gut connection.
The mind - gut connection is still a relatively new concept in the field of psychology.
It is known as the enteric nervous system and this brain - gut connection should give you a strong and almost immediate indication of how you feel about something.
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