Sentences with phrase «gut emotional level»

No film affected me more on a gut emotional level.

Not exact matches

When I saw this video of Fox News» Megyn Kelly taking on two men in a heated argument about stereotyping women, it only confirmed to me that beneath all the layers of reasoning there resides a deep - seated, gut - level emotional conviction that women must fulfill their stereotypical roles.
The emotional impact is always at a gut - level!
This orientation allows the microbes in the gut to send powerful messages that can actually steer the high - level emotional processing that occurs in the brain.
Emotional, physical, chemical stress but even deeper above and beyond that, there is some level — there's some level of infection that's deeper that creating inflammation even though it didn't show via calprotectin or it's just creating leaky gut.
Perhaps it is because it feels like we, as Americans, have romanticized John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination over the decades, or because I did not live through it, but the film is a roundhouse to the gut on an emotional level.
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