Sentences with phrase «gut microbial community»

High levels of fiber and toxins in leaves make gut microbial fermentative activity essential to howler nutrition, and based on studies with other mammals, it is possible that differences in gut microbial community composition allow groups of howlers in different habitats to take advantage of distinct resources to fuel the same activities.
To investigate variation in gut microbial community composition within a species, we collected fecal samples from five groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Mexico over an eight - week period (May - July 2009).
These infections disrupt healthy gut microbial communities and harm metabolism and immune system function, worsening malnutrition and impairing children's growth and development.
Numerous human diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and autism spectrum disorders have been linked to abnormal gut microbial communities, or microbiomes, but an open question is whether these altered microbiomes are drivers of disease.
Still, he adds, «there's a lot more basic biology that will need to be worked out to fully appreciate the mechanisms that cause sweeteners to alter gut microbial community composition and function, and how in turn this shapes host metabolism.»
Association of gut microbial communities with plasma lipopolysaccharide - binding protein (LBP) in premenopausal women — Jessica S Citronberg — ISME
Studies have shown that vitamin B12 can help improve digestion by contributing to the «structure and function of human gut microbial communities» (21.)
The samples were put into the stomachs of lean mice that were germ free and thus had no preexisting gut microbial communities.
Preliminary analyses indicate that differences in gut microbial community composition are related to the environment each group inhabits.
The gut microbial community is effectively an «organ within an organ,» Gordon says.
A new Journal of Internal Medicine article proposes that artificial intelligence tools, such as machine learning algorithms, have the potential for building predictive models for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases linked to imbalances in gut microbial communities, or microbiota.
She participated by profiling a patient's gut microbial community both before and after the transplantation.
The researchers aim to integrate three different approaches: metabolomics, proteomics and the study of the gut microbial community, said Lampe, a cancer prevention researcher who is a member of Fred Hutch's Public Health Sciences Division.
Initial microbiome studies show that stress can result in changes to the gut microbial community, specifically bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus are consistently reduced.
-- Towards large - cohort comparative studies to define the factors influencing the gut microbial community structure of ASD patients
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