Sentences with phrase «guy at a work event»

Not exact matches

Lots of people have spoken at EU events I've attended have said they want to have a conversation about how we can try and have get a Europe that look like it works a bit better for ordinary citizens — not the rich guys in suits zooming about doing the deals but on things that make a difference to their lives like better rights at work.
But rather I am writing it to say that, Hey, Chicago, you are like the really awesome guy that I met at a party, or a work event, or at a coffee shop, and you are super good looking, and smart, and you wear those jeans so damn well.
I am happy to report that I will be attending an event for bloggers called «Blogger Bash» in NYC in mid-July, where John will be there showcasing some new stuff for Disney Infinity 2.0, and at the end of July, Disney Infinity will be at San Diego Comic Con, and we are working on getting our West Coast guy Abe down there for some of the Disney Infinity fun.
Members were so interested in conservation work that I had to be the «bad guy» when the event ended at 5:00 p.m., ushering about 20 members out of the lab so security could secure the Museum!
Elmo or, more precisely, Jeremy Trespalacios, the guy dressed up like him, was working an event at a toy store, and decided to take a walk to a nearby guitar store.
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