Sentences with phrase «guy walked on water»

Not exact matches

I mean, the Romans were very good historians, AND here was a man who could walk on water, heal the sick, raise the dead... seriously, the Romans didn't want this guy, they wanted to crucify a man with that power..
Actually bob, His truth be told, the defilers are the hit and run guys that are built on sand, wells without water, spiritually dead walking among us.
Yes now she can babble mindlessly about talking snakes, talking fiery bushes, big boats that held 250,000 species of beetle along with wooly mammoths and snow leopards, guys that floated into the clouds in front of everyone (yet somehow the Jews and Arabs still just don't buy that he was the saviour), parted water / wine to water / walking on water / healing water, food from the sky....
They seem to believe a guy talked to the god of Israel through a buring bush a few thousand years ago and another walked on water and raised the dead a couple of thousand years ago.
Hey there was twenty years between in this guys supposed life there is no history for so yeah there's all kinds of possibilities so what if he had ten wives and 50 kids that's his business as the bible states let him deal with it heck he could have chilling in the roman bath houses that's were he learned to walk on water... And you know what happens in roman bath houses don't you there lennon
Wow according to some here Sanchez walks on water, you guys need to wake up.
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