Sentences with phrase «gyration following»

Bitcoin fell on Thursday, marking the latest gyration following a major sell - off at the end of last week....
Bitcoin fell on Thursday, marking the latest gyration following a major sell - off at the end of last week.

Not exact matches

But scientists agree that climate change will up the ante considerably by bringing more extreme weather gyrations — searing drought one year, followed by torrential storms that can wash away cracked soil and destroy crops rather than quench their thirst.
But following this transcendence, your mind becomes a supercomputer capable of calculating the gyrations of your car, multiplying that by the speed of the fall over the angle of descent, factoring in Newton's laws of motion and, in a split second, coming to the panicked conclusion that this is gonna hurt like hell.
Readers follow the fictional «Time Traveler» that H. G. Wells sends into future centuries; track the gyrations of time - spanning thought that Borges unfolds in his labyrinthine tales; ponder the temporal cause - effect paradoxes that Bertrand Russell surmounts; and puzzle over the reversibility of time in the physics with which Einstein revolutionized science.
Following stock - market gyrations is like tracking your biorhythm — an indicator of volatility, psychological and economic, it becomes a rationale for the way people subsequently behave, and no one is exempt.
Though Planck's function is used, with some specific gyrations and limits, to analyze and asses vibrotation emission and absorption (and mathematically it does a very good job IMO) the physical processes are not the same and do not follow the same unfettered rules.
So do I, to the extent and in the measure that I can follow your verbal gyrations
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