Sentences with phrase «gyro controls work»

The gameplay is superb, and the gyro controls work well.

Not exact matches

In terms of controls, some are just button smashers like running, where archery uses the gyro capabilities of the console that works quite well and overall, all the sporting events were fun to play.
Fast forward to 2016 and players are given the option of competing in events such as swimming and soccer but in classic video game fashion, the gameplay has been spiced up in «Plus» events to make it even more enjoyable and more importantly, the controls work quite well on the 3DS console that include the buttons, touch screen and even gyro capabilities (for archery) as you make your way through a plethora of events like swimming, golf, hurdles and even rhythmic gymnastics.
Also, you're the one that doesn't understand how «gyro controls» work.
Fast forward to 2016 and players are given the option of competing in events such as swimming and soccer but in classic video game fashion, the gameplay has been spiced up in «Plus» events to make it even more enjoyable and more importantly, the controls work quite well on the 3DS console that include the buttons, touch screen and even gyro capabilities (for archery) as you make your way through a plethora of events like swimming, golf, hurdles and even rhythmic gymnastics.
I can see why gyro controls would work in principle, but the amount of turning required would give you RSI pretty quickly!
In terms of controls, some are just button smashers like running, where archery uses the gyro capabilities of the console that works quite well and overall, all the sporting events were fun to play.
We don't know how these non-gyro controls will fully work, but it's nice to know we'll have the option (especially for someone like me, as I often find gyro aiming to hurt my hand long - term.)
Gyro controls - the only way to properly play Splatoon - work brilliantly either handheld or docked, and the map that once sat on the second screen is now a single button press away, with that motion control now allowing you to mark out a teammate to leap to.
Sure, you CAN aim the Poltergust 5000 with them, but the standard non gyro control scheme for this works so well you'll never want to.
Then, despite all the work we put into 3D Space Harrier, 3D Super Hang - on wasn't running at a perfect 60 FPS either up until about a month before release it because we added gyro controls etc..
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