Sentences with phrase «gyrus reduced»

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The patients also had reduced activation in the superior frontal gyrus, a region important for motor planning and decision making.
In autism, neural activity was reduced in the left supplementary motor area and left auditory cortex (whole brain interaction p < 0.02, uncorrected; Heschl's gyrus, p = 0.02 FWE corrected; 54, -19, 7 MNI coordinates), and enhanced in bilateral visual cortex (whole brain p < 0.01 uncorrected, 3, - 91, -8 MNI coordinates).
Both controls and patients activated cortical midline structures when judging items with reference to themselves, but patients exhibited reduced activity in the angular gyrus.
Engin E, Zarnowska ED, Benke D, Tsvetkov E, Sigal M, Keist R, Bolshakov VY, Pearce RA, Rudolph U. Tonic inhibitory control of dentate gyrus granule cells by α5 - containing GABAA receptors reduces memory interference.
Very preterm individuals compared to controls showed reduced grey matter in temporal, frontal, occipital cortices and cerebellum, including putamen, insula, cuneus, fusiform gyrus, thalamus and caudate nucleus.
The reduced activation in the fusiform gyrus in the AX group in our study suggests that individuals are less engaged in emotion recognition in secure priming, with fewer cognitive resources recruited.
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