Sentences with phrase «h study period»

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In the present study, we therefore used microarray technology to investigate the concurrent expression of 1,178 genes in the rat retina both following hypoxia and following a post-hypoxic 24 h reoxygenation period.
As a side result of the study, we identify two distinct populations of planets: those with short periods (d), which are found in orbit only around metal - rich stars with [Fe / H] > ~ -0.07, and those on longer orbits (d), for which the metallicity bias is less marked.
Haldanes were calculated as h =[ (ln (x2) / sln x2) − (ln (x1) / sln x2)-RSB- / g, where ln (x1) and ln (x2) are the ln - transformed sample means of head length at the beginning and the end of the study period, respectively, sln x1 and sln x2 are the pooled standard deviations of ln (x1) and ln (x2), respectively, and g is the number of generations between the beginning and the end of the study period (years divided by generation length).
Blood was obtained at 0730, 0745 and 0800; one - half hour after each meal; and hourly throughout the remainder of the 24 - h period of the study, for a total of 46 time points.
In previous studies in 16 healthy subjects, the maximal spontaneous change in metabolic rate over a 3 - h period was 0.2 ± 0.09 kJ / min (3 %).
Fourth, for the drinks used in the present study, it made little difference to the calculated BHI whether this was based on the first 2 h or on the whole 4 - h collection period.
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