Sentences with phrase «habilis within»

Zinjanthropus: it was indeed displaced by Homo habilis within a few years of its discovery, but even before then it had never been considered to be a human ancestor by anyone but Louis Leakey.

Not exact matches

The size of the bone falls within the ranges of Homo habilis and Homo floresiensis (Journal of Human Evolution, DOI: 10.1016 / j.jhevol.2010.04.008).
Most disruptive of all is the suggestion that not all the species grouped within our own genus are necessarily from a single lineage — or that, perhaps, some of the species considered Homo, such as Homo habilis, are really australopiths.
Authors David Lordkipanidze, Marcia S. Ponce de León, Ann Margvelashvili, Yoel Rak, G. Philip Rightmire, Abesalom Vekua and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer say significant anatomical features of this skull can be found in earlier fossils assigned to the genus Homo, such as H. habilis, H ergaster and H. rudolfensis, and argue all comprise a single species within the genus Homo, with less variation among them than can be found within contemporary Homo sapiens.
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