Sentences with phrase «habitat specialists»

Because they are habitat specialists requiring a very specific amount of precipitation, they are likely to be unprepared to face ongoing temperature variability and changing precipitation levels.
For corals (see Table S3), we identified habitat specialists as species occurring exclusively in few habitats, as well as those with narrow depth ranges.
Like other habitat specialists, Sungazers appear to be restricted to this area not only because of physical barriers such as large rivers and mountains, but also because of the unique climactic niche in this region.
In the end, despite the adaptable features they inherited, the Neanderthals ended up as more habitat specialists than we did.
A range - restricted habitat specialist, the Florida Scrub - Jay is the sort of species that sets off climate - change alarm bells.
Venus flytraps are habitat specialists, found only in certain spots of longleaf pine savannas in the Carolinas.
Most of these are habitat specialists and only dominant in one or two regions of the basin.
Most hyperdominants are habitat specialists that have large geographic ranges but are only dominant in one or two regions of the basin, and a median of 41 % of trees in individual plots belong to hyperdominants.
The researchers identified several criteria for choosing umbrella species — such as big carnivores, most long - lived, habitat specialists, and ones on the verge of extinction — and analyzed how many imperiled species might be saved by protecting the habitat of that type of umbrella species, compared to species saved by randomly picking a set of species to serve as the umbrella.
But they are habitat specialists, being restricted to «yellow pine forests» (mainly ponderosa pine and Jeffrey pine) in the West.
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