Sentences with phrase «habituate in»

It is essential to make your child habituate in a routine.
«The kind of negative thoughts that come with depression get a bit habituated in the neural pathways of the brain, so when you meditate, those neural pathways get quite activated and you really see them.

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Blau points to a pattern with social networks and other free services in which, when ads are introduced, «people complain, there is a sort of backlash or revolt» at first, but ultimately the outcry diminishes and most users become habituated to the ads.
Voice assistants are «clearly becoming something people are habituated to in their lives,» said David Hudson, global head of markets execution for JPMorgan Chase.
It's something you habituate yourself into in a sense, like an Olympic sprinter who runs and incredible time in the 100 meter dash.
On the other hand, when the body is kept in the same state of nourishment and in patterns of activity, the psyche retains the ironclad protection of its habituated condition.
Liberty, so defined, requires in the first instance liberation from all forms of associations and relationships — from the family, church, and schools to the village and neighborhood and the community broadly defined — that exerted strong control over behavior largely through informal and habituated expectations and norms.
The training we receive in the scientific method and model construction habituates us to making certain assumptions about who we are and how we relate to nature.
The huge gay population is a result of rampant molestation, in a culture that is habituated to power, and hides behind a veil of innocence.
It shows how a behavioural pattern, which in an earlier evolutionary stage emerged only in the actual presence of a certain environmental situation, might, if it was selected as useful over many generations, become habituated to a chreodic developmental pathway which would operate even in the absence of that environmental situation.
The habituating effect of these constant appeals is now being reflected in the increasingly bizarre methods adopted in fund raising.
They are qualities of experience which result from the given forms of things in relation to the structures of properly habituated personality.
Because, babies are like clay, parent's nurture, environment and peer group shape their habituate, their aims in life.
In order to reduce the risk of the hatchling turtles becoming habituated to humans, our biologists keep handling to an absolute minimum and the turtles that are on exhibit at the Museum are behind one - way glass.
Drumlin Farm provides a long - term home for these rehabilitated injured or human - habituated wildlife, who would not be able to survive in the wild on their own.
By reducing these opportunities, it is theorised that the child is less able to habituate to the perceived threat in these situations, less able to learn to accurately detect threat in new situations and less likely to learn they can cope with difficult situations.
If he or she is uncomfortable in the beginning, give your baby some time to get habituated.
One such study, considered foundational in giftedness research, found was that certain babies became habituated to new stimulus faster than others, suggesting that they absorbed and retained sensory information in a different way.
If you have habituated your little one to fall asleep in your arms, then he will definitely love the familiar soothing motion when you rock him backwards and forwards in your baby glider.
Or the wild creatures exploited new ecological niches created by humans, gradually habituating themselves to people and, in essence, domesticating themselves.
«By doing this we are better able to understand what's going wrong in people that do not habituate,» said Schmid.
«Educating residents helps to prevent habituation from occurring in the future, but doesn't take care of animal that's already become habituated,» says Ohio State's Gehrt.
Generally, the places I photograph the animals are national parks and reserves, in which the animals are somewhat habituated to human presence.
Sharpe has been studying dwarf mongooses at the Phuza Moya Private Game Reserve in northeastern South Africa, where several groups of the animals are habituated to the presence of humans.
They were less likely to school and swim along with other tadpoles (a tadpole proxy for socialization, which is impaired in autism); they weren't as good at avoiding contact with animated images projected on to the bottom of their petri dishes; they didn't habituate to startling noises (another analog to autism in people); and induced seizures were more frequent and shorter than in normal tadpoles.
Even in the most habituated tourist reserves, where you have these habituated tigers that you can see, it's only a fraction of the — a small fraction of the population.
But flies with mutations in the circadian clock genes called period, clock, cycle, and doubletime never became habituated to the drug, even after repeated exposures.
Animals that live with people or who are habituated to them through captivity may copy elements of human speech in order to strengthen social bonds, Angela Stoeger - Horwath, a bioacoustician at the University of Vienna and co-author of the elephant study, previously told Live Science.
Should sneezing apes in habituated groups also get antibiotics?
The monkeys roam free on the natural tropical island, but also are so habituated to humans that they can be involved in up - close and personal research — allowing researchers unprecedented access into their daily lives.
They took a conservative approach, discarding studies in which researchers had pointed at the lizards, walked towards the animals faster or slower than a particular fixed speed, or studied populations that were habituated to humans.
Animals were habituated for 1 hour the day before each trial in an empty enclosure.
Animals were habituated to the testing environment by placing them in individual boxes on a metal mesh floor during 10 min.
I proved during my research study that wild chimpanzees that are habituated to human observers on the ground are tolerant to, and most importantly do not alter their natural behaviors in the presence of, human observers in the canopy.»
A study published in May 2017 showed that even athletes habituated to caffeine still experienced enhanced performance benefits from a caffeine dose of 400 mg prior to cycling.
In most cases, these symptoms stop happening within a few weeks of and an individual's body becomes habituated to using up fat reserves.
Corticosterone Can Act at the Posterior Paraventricular Thalamus to Inhibit Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal Activity in Animals that Habituate to Repeated Stress Azra Jaferi and Seema Bhatnagar Endocrinology, Oct 2006; 147: 4917 — 4930 34.
Studies show that coffee induces a modest but noticeable spike in cortisol that levels off as you become habituated to coffee.
Though they may build in features that are specifically geared to mobile, like location sensitivity, to the extent that it's not the main platform which their users have been habituated to use.
The reason why mobile dating will ultimately become the dominant way that technology helps people meet each other is that people have been habituated to communicating in shorter form, and [dating websites»] models have not yet adapted to that.
People in different countries are habituated to reading text in different ways.
In a June 2002 report mentioned earlier, Secretary Paige alarmed NCTAF, NCATE, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and others habituated to federal backing for the professionalism agenda with his call to raise the bar on teacher academic standards while lowering barriers to classroom entry by people without conventional pedagogical preparation.
In fact, like most of us, education consultants are so habituated to reading research through the lens of their own normative value systems that they are more likely to steer school communities in a preferred direction than to help them identify their own directioIn fact, like most of us, education consultants are so habituated to reading research through the lens of their own normative value systems that they are more likely to steer school communities in a preferred direction than to help them identify their own directioin a preferred direction than to help them identify their own direction.
Avoid parking in a habituated structure at all costs, as a vehicle fire can easily spread to the structure.
You can crate them near each other, but this is the perfect time to start habituating them to not always being in close contact with their sibling.
If unable to be inside, dogs habituated to the outdoors must be protected by a dry, draft - free doghouse that is large enough to allow the dog to sit and lie down comfortably, but small enough to hold in his body heat.
While playing these sounds in a shelter is not likely to have a lasting impact (as playing any sound over time with no paired stimuli is likely to be quickly habituated to), Dr. Simonet's data clearly shows that huffing, or laughing, is an important vocalization for our canine companions.
Our program helps habituate dogs to obedience in a fun, enriching environment.
Eventually your dog will habituate and will no longer alert to the same person's presence in the street.
Relocation requires that cats be confined in the new location for a short period to habituate.
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