Sentences with phrase «habituated with»

Knowing IBM PC, Wang Word Processing and also habituated with Lotus 1 -2-3 and Symphony software packages.
If your dog habituated with various dog treats which is harmful to sensitive stomach you must come out from these bad habit very soon.

Not exact matches

Blau points to a pattern with social networks and other free services in which, when ads are introduced, «people complain, there is a sort of backlash or revolt» at first, but ultimately the outcry diminishes and most users become habituated to the ads.
We are so habituated to conceiving of the imagination as a private act of the human spirit that we now find it almost impossible to conceive of a common act of imagining with.
By reducing these opportunities, it is theorised that the child is less able to habituate to the perceived threat in these situations, less able to learn to accurately detect threat in new situations and less likely to learn they can cope with difficult situations.
Parker said Yuma could not be released into the wild because his mother did not stay with him long enough to teach him survival skills and he had become habituated to humans.
They were less likely to school and swim along with other tadpoles (a tadpole proxy for socialization, which is impaired in autism); they weren't as good at avoiding contact with animated images projected on to the bottom of their petri dishes; they didn't habituate to startling noises (another analog to autism in people); and induced seizures were more frequent and shorter than in normal tadpoles.
But flies with mutations in the circadian clock genes called period, clock, cycle, and doubletime never became habituated to the drug, even after repeated exposures.
Animals that live with people or who are habituated to them through captivity may copy elements of human speech in order to strengthen social bonds, Angela Stoeger - Horwath, a bioacoustician at the University of Vienna and co-author of the elephant study, previously told Live Science.
Together with Roman Wittig, I co-direct the Tai Chimpanzee Project, Tai National Park, Ivory Coast, which currently has three habituated chimpanzee groups with a fourth under habituation, as well as one habituated sooty mangabey group.
«The kind of negative thoughts that come with depression get a bit habituated in the neural pathways of the brain, so when you meditate, those neural pathways get quite activated and you really see them.
In a June 2002 report mentioned earlier, Secretary Paige alarmed NCTAF, NCATE, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and others habituated to federal backing for the professionalism agenda with his call to raise the bar on teacher academic standards while lowering barriers to classroom entry by people without conventional pedagogical preparation.
You can crate them near each other, but this is the perfect time to start habituating them to not always being in close contact with their sibling.
I guess Mr. Jefferson was onto something; habituate yourself to walk often, and ideally with others; socialization, movement and fresh air is good for us all; two - legged or four.
While playing these sounds in a shelter is not likely to have a lasting impact (as playing any sound over time with no paired stimuli is likely to be quickly habituated to), Dr. Simonet's data clearly shows that huffing, or laughing, is an important vocalization for our canine companions.
The time you spend gradually habituating your cats will eventually be rewarded with years of harmonious feline companionship.
Finally, remember that the time you spend gradually habituating your cats will eventually be rewarded with years of harmonious feline companionship.
These lower levels may be easier to habituate to rather than a full - blown exposure with the baby crying at the top of his lungs, mom urgently running to the baby, picking him up, and trying to soothe him.
These human - habituated bears, while giving us remarkable opportunities to observe their lives are also more likely to become food conditioned (seeking food from people) and associate our possessions with play toys.
This isn't a problem with birds at our feeder if we follow some basic rules of thumb to keep birds safe and feeders clean, but it's a problem when supplying food to predators like foxes, coyotes, and owls, all of whom can very quickly become habituated to people, learning to associate them with handouts.
Many of my friends are furious with the scientists who are so meticulous and habituated to normal avenues of research.
Practice speaking with a friend or family member so you can habituate yourself to the conversation, and increase your confidence for the interview.
It is highly recommended that new parents don't habituate their kids to sleeping with them, as it becomes a difficult habit to break.
Habituated to connecting with others online in today's high - tech social reality, the culture of our relationships to ourselves and to others has significantly shifted.
In conversation with the moderator and with the participation of the audience, the workshops will present material on the psycho - emotional dynamics of the addicted person and point to ways of working with such individuals to liberate them from their habituated patterns.
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