Sentences with word «habitus»

In Wood's view it is enough to understand acquisition of habitus as something that we do, whatever our «nature» may be.
These five aspects of theologia as dialectic are a step in the direction of going beyond practical theology as habitus and paideia (and their leanings toward an ethics of character), and toward practical theology as procedure.
The body habitus for them are «pear shaped» (relative excess of subcutaneous fat in hips, buttocks and limbs) and «apple shaped» (relative excess of abdominal fat) respectively.
Toxicity due to prolonged therapy with corticosteroids (for example in asthma, allergies, etc.) results in Cushing's Syndrome and «apple shaped» body habitus with central obesity is one of most common presenting features of corticosteroid toxicity.
In conjunction with the ongoing exhibition habitus, The Fabric Workshop and Museum presents a gallery talk by textile scholar Dr. Linda Eaton, the John L. & Marjorie P. McGraw Director of Collections and Senior Curator of Textiles at the Winterthur Museum.
Diagonally across New Street from the New York Stock Exchange, the corner of Exchange Place stands a dull red building of queer proportions which is the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange of New York, familiarly known as the little board and disrespectfully referred to by habitus of New Street...
So too, what is involved in acquiring the theological habitus is mastering certain concepts — that is, acquiring abilities and aptitudes for making sound judgments.
Our proposal suggests that theological schooling, paideia - like, helps capacitate persons with habitus.
In paideia we are formed in such a way that we come to have certain habitus, certain settled dispositions to act in characteristic ways.
Nor need we think of «dispositions» and «character traits» as modifications of something «subjective» like the universal structures of human consciousness (which paideia and habitus presuppose for Farley).
Theology in the «subjective» sense is chronologically derivative from the activity of theological inquiry because it is by participation in the activity that one comes to have the appropriate habitus, the appropriate mode of subjectivity.
where many habits dispose us to act automatically in mechanical and rigid ways, habitus dispose us to act in a certain characteristic way (say, prudently) but to do so intentionally (as opposed to automatically), thoughtfully (as opposed to instinctively), self - critically (as opposed to mechanically), and inventively (as opposed to rigidly) in light of the actual circumstances of the action.
Here we are considering specifically cognitive habitus, dispositions to act in regard to something in ways that comprise understanding it.
It is possible for a well - established habitus to be suddenly and radically reconfigured: Drunks may suddenly cease to drink, the generous may become miserly, and the violent may become peaceable.
High school socioeconomic composition and college choice: multilevel mediation via organizational habitus, school practices, peer and staff attitudes
The texts critically address the economic underpinnings of contemporary art, framing the latter as a complex system of patronage that forges its own exclusive habitus and undermines the freedom and creativity of art.
Confronted by this distinct contemporary habitus — its lifestyles, tastes, and values — Rodriguez has produced a body of photographic work in which relationships between images raise questions about the construction of the «creative life» as it plays out publicly and privately.
Opening with Cosplayer Party: 25/02/06, 6 pm Artist Talk with Cao Fei on Sunday 26 February, 2006, 2 pm at habitus (3 / F, Western Market, Sheung Wan)
On view in two distinct venues — the galleries of FWM and Municipal Pier 9 on the Delaware River waterfront — habitus weaves text, textile, and image together as mediums for an imaginative and tactile exchange between artist and audience.
I fear that much of what he has said about theologia as habitus and paideia will be absorbed by many readers into the current widespread interest in a theological ethics of virtue, character and disposition.
An opening reception for Ann Hamilton's multi-venue exhibition habitus will be held at two locations: The Fabric Workshop and Museum and Municipal Pier 9.
Wood suggests that by following the lead of the concept of habitus, but in a different direction from the one Farley took, one can resolve this knot by reconceptualizing the entire issue We do not have to choose between «objective» and «subjective» construals of what theology is.
Among those habitus that must be cultivated in a theological school is the capacity for critique and self - critique.
He characterizes theologia as both a habitus and a dialectic.
Under the rubric of habitus, he speaks of theology as both wisdom and science.
Farley tries to describe theology, which he has already defined as a habitus, in terms of the habitus for it.
What is wrong is Farley's failure to see the implications of the fact (which he himself notes in passing) that a habitus is by definition a disposition for some activity.
Not that there is anything wrong with the concept of habitus.
In Farley's case the circle is broken by introducing a subjective construal of habitus, and hence of theology, as a mode of consciousness.
In accord with the «Athens» type, Wood insists that what makes theological schooling excellent schooling is that it shapes sound theological judgment; through this paideia we acquire a habitus, albeit a habitus for action that is self - critical in the modern sense of «critique» — a sense that ancient Athens knew nothing of.
But Wood then objects to Farley's way of defining theology as a habitus.
What sets Wood's proposal apart is the way in which he explicates the capacities both for Wissenschaft and for the habitus.
The habitus «is the capacity and disposition to engage in theological inquiry.»
A habitus is a disposition for some activity.
And though he accepts Farley's aim of habitus, he argues that the way to achieve such reflective wisdom is to continue the types of critical thinking that have dominated modernity.
We wear them like a habitus.
The traditional name for what grows through these practices is habitus.
A habitus is a settled disposition to act in a characteristic way.
Each particular configuration of appetite has a temporal impetus: It is an element in a habitus, a mode of being in the world, that disposes people to move along its track.
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