Sentences with phrase «hackles up»

One particular recommendation found in the report, though, has got the American public's hackles up.
When a scientist gets his hackles up over some published finding, usually the response is to test the results him / herself.
Our host posted an enlightening paper «Disagreement, Dogmatism, and Belief Polarization» a while back in which FWIW, we would do well to refer to before engaging in a smackdown with someone who gets our hackles up.
But this Sunday Times article, written by well - known pseudo-journalist Jonathan Leake (search for his name on Deltoid) had a quote by presumed scientist John Christy that really got my hackles up:
Whether Dead Rising's save system fits it or not I am not qualified (not having played it) to say, but people complaining about it sounds to me enough like people carping about permadeath to get my hackles up.
Signals that a dog may be about to attack are the ears pinned back, and the fur along their back may stand up in a visible pattern — the origin of the expression «getting their hackles up
Signs include hard stares / whale eyes, growling, pulled back lips, hackles up, and an overall stiff posture.
That dog never growled or put his hackles up when he met me.
As I think about it, I've seen hackles up mostly during play or when a dog is barking at visitors or another dog.
Does your dog bark, whine, lunge, scream, get their hackles up or embarrass you in public?
They sit or stand stiffly, their hackles up, and stare at each other.
An aroused dog almost always has his hackles up.
Signs of imminent aggression include direct eye contact, freezing, barking, growling, piloerection (hackles up), baring teeth, and snapping (biting the air).
If Emily is upset or has her hackles up, Olive joins in.
She knows me well enough to trust that I knew something was wrong and we needed to get him and was convinced when she saw the hackles up and a «SHAKE OFF».
She wasn't sure what I was talking about until she saw the hackles up on his back, SADIE calmly resting with me while OBIE shook it off.
If Rocky has his hackles up, using deference training can take him out of this mindset and put him in a more relaxed mental state.
A barking dog with hackles up, body erect, ears forward, and tail wagging stiffly at half - mast is telling interlopers to keep their distance.
Rather than get the hackles up and crying like a baby with poopy pants burning your bum that you can't figure out how to change, WRITE PROFESSIONAL QUALITY MATERIAL!
Now hear me out before you get your hackles up and declare me yet another of the «end of the brick - and - mortar» doomsayers.
OK, I continue, my hackles up because in my view not worshipping in the Church of Hardy is like refusing to genuflect in the Cathedral of Daniel Day - Lewis, did you see The Drop?

Not exact matches

River's hackles were raised (all the way down her back), and she kept looking up at me with a very concerned look, but we all remained calm.
This area, called the hackles, sometimes stands up in a spiky row.
He'll likely assume a dominant / aggressive stance upon meeting new dogs: this involves raising hackles to make himself seem larger, raising his head up high, and staring through narrowed or wide - open eyes.
The hackles, or the fur along the top of the neck, typically stands up when a dog feels threatened.
Raised hackles, or hair standing up on the dog's back, may indicate that the dog is concerned and needs more space from the other dog and time to acclimate.
«If the dog's hackles are raised and its tail is up, turn around and walk away.»
Of course, when she sees a squirrel to chase, it's hard to tell if those hackles are raised in excitement or aggression cuz she would probably try to tear one up from limb to limb if she ever caught it.
Dogs may also stick up their hair to communicate how they are, which is called «piloerection,» or more colloquially, «raising the hackles
His hackles might be up.
He is unpredictable with other dogs after a bad experience and most times will growl or the hackles go up.
If you were at a BBQ with a group of atmospheric scientists, and wanted to raise some hackles, there are several subjects that are notoriously easy to get people riled up...... Talk of Hockey Sticks, Inhofe, Crichton, Coulter, and you're...
Such a tactic almost always will get up the hackles of those being so summarily dismissed.
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