Sentences with phrase «had a liquid water lake»

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«This work adds a plausible hypothesis to explain the way in which liquid water could have formed on early Mars, in a manner similar to the seasonal melting that produces the streams and lakes we observe during our field work in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys,» Head said.
Schimdt has found evidence that warm ocean currents and convective forces beneath Europa's frozen shell can cause large blocks of ice to overturn and melt, bringing vast pockets of water, sometimes holding as much liquid as all of the Great Lakes combined, to within several kilometers of the moon's icy surface.
Siegert says that it would be a «phenomenal result» if the lakes were found to be devoid of life, because they offer everything that bacteria need — including liquid water and nutrients — and their water temperatures are just a few degrees below zero.
In this study we have monitored the liquid water column of these permanent ice - covered lakes.
The heat from those eruptions would have melted massive amounts of ice to form englacial lakes — bodies of water that form within glaciers like liquid bubbles in a half - frozen ice cube.
Research in the past several months has further fueled the excitement, yielding new hints of liquid water on Enceladus and revealing ethane lakes and methane rain on Titan.
Heat from a volcano erupting beneath an immense glacier would have created large lakes of liquid water on Mars in the relatively recent past.
Chuck Booth wrote: «The existence of lakes beneath Antarctic ice is nothing new — this has been known for decades... What is new, and newsworthy, is that the extensive system of liquid water under the ice may provide a better understanding of ice sheet dynamics»
In the last decade, scientists have discovered lakes of liquid water underneath the Antarctic ice sheet.
Because Antarctica has so many subsurface lakes, conditions must have been favorable for liquid water to collect on Antarctica and form lakes.
These lakes, that would be located deep in Europa's icy crust, could be communicating with the liquid water ocean below, while providing it with chemical elements from the surface that would be a valuable energy source to any potential life forms.
The intrepid robotic explorer successfully completed its primary scientific objective when it discovered strong evidence early on in its mission that a place called Yellowknife Bay near its landing site, constitutes an ancient dried - out lake bed which was once filled with drinkable liquid water billions of years ago and could have sustained life — if any were present.
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