Sentences with phrase «had felt when»

He realized he would have to raise his consciousness in order to free himself from the emotional snarl he had felt when he first read the note.
They asked 607 pairs of identical or fraternal twins who had reported having used marijuana at least five times in their lives to recall how they had felt when they smoked: whether they were, for instance, relaxed and creative or anxious and unable to concentrate.
Thomas Hardy grimly attests: «As you got older, and felt yourself to be at the center of your time, and not at a point in its circumference, as you had felt when you were little, you were seized with a sort of shuddering....
It was the same steady, physically palpable force I had felt when that preacher laid his hands on my leg so many years before.
The aura I felt at that time was the same aura I had felt when I helped deliver my first grandchild.
In high school, he smoked pot, dropped LSD and experimented with how his brain would feel when deprived of sleep.
Why I still think it is a bad strategy is the strain you would feel when variable or unexpected costs rear their ugly head.
I had this feeling myself when watching just a handful of my stocks.
The feeling of excitement you'd feel when you opened the mailbox is caused by a chemical in our bodies called dopamine.
It makes me a little sad to lose these beliefs, similar to the sadness I must have felt when I realized Santa Claus wasn't real; but, it also forces me to come to a different understanding of God and our relationship to God and each other.
I had an experience this week where I felt a fraction of what Christ must have felt when beaten down and questioned and called names.
Thus, the particular feelings of her husband for her, what it is about her that especially delights him, how he would feel when she was around — these types of experiences are brought into greater relief and intensified within the whole that God alone can give back to her.
We feel the kind of discomposure that David must have felt when he realized that Nathan's condemnation of the rich man was directed toward him (2 Sam.
Most of us can testify to the sense of hurt we have felt when someone with whom we thought we were in close rapport in some group of friends — or in family life in the narrower sense — demonstrates by act that he or she does not really very much care for us.
«A lot of people have moved away from dairy due to digestion issues or just intolerances they've felt when they drink milk, and they've moved to non-dairy, and so they've come back because they can digest the (A2) milk better.»
How would you feel when he's killing our left side.
I wouldn't say that he didn't see that I was ready, but you do have a feel when the other guy is going to hit and right as I was in the top of the backswing, I think he must have pulled like a five - wood or a three - wood and obviously everybody started screaming.
I can only imagine how someone would feel when everyone is saying you ain't good enough.
The chills that all the Tottenham players feel and have felt when «Come On You Spurssss» is sung round the Lane must be a feeling like no other and it gives the players a lift when they need it most.
Just imagine - how would you feel when you wrap up your little angel using an adorably soft custom baby blanket!
I didn't expect how weird it would feel when baby was bigger & moving around inside.
Then they asked kids to predict how Penny would feel when she first saw the milk carton.
How would you feel when something goes wrong!
Before I had my babies, one of the things that worried me about breastfeeding was how I would feel when it came to feeding my baby out of the house.
But also consider how you would feel when you were a new mom raising your daughter for the first time and someone was there telling you what to do or telling you that your pediatrician was wrong.
Does anyone else have that feeling when they get a new mascara that THIS MIGHT BE THE ONE?
I've felt moments of what you've felt when I've been on maternity leave with our little ones both first and second time round.
A girl or boy, your child might also have some feelings when the baby is the opposite sex.
Nothing could have prepared me for how I would feel when I caught my baby, in my bedroom, surrounded by my husband and some amazing women.
I know too, the sheer exhaustion you have felt when it's all down to you, your nipples are cracked, and you don't get a break.
You imagine that this is how Harry Potter must have felt when those death eaters were trying to suck away his soul.
Some abstainers thus lie because they prefer to avoid the discomfort they would feel when admitting that they derogate from a norm they endorse, even if no external person can judge their response.
As pointed out here the inhibition we would feel when someone would suggest us to go outside naked is the result of indoctrination since childhood.
«We have a feel when it comes to our vote, but not the Labour vote,» he said as he squeezed in a last couple of door knocks as the polls closed.
Editors and colleagues began to comment that reading my papers made them feel the same excitement that I must have felt when I first saw my data.
He joined the teaching faculty at Brooke, preparing doctors and nurses headed to combat zones for the horrific facial injuries they'd see — and the frustration they'd feel when they couldn't repair the damage.
Researchers, led by Dr Stephanie Tobin from The University of Queensland's School of Psychology, conducted two studies centred on «lurking» or passive Facebook participation and on ostracism, aiming to analyze how participants would feel when deliberately «snubbed».
My moon cycle is screwed up - I have a feeling when I start to menstruate, I will lose 1/2 of the weight I regained.
Little did I know, however, just how relaxed I would feel when the 75 minutes were over.
Especially now that the time is changing, that I (finally) had the chance to spring - clean my wardrobe from the bottom to the top, I ended up feeling like I had nothing to wear (don't you always have that feeling when you clean your closet?!)
It felt surreal and I understood how Harry Potter must have felt when Hagrid greeted him in the lighthouse that very first night.
I have a feeling when I try at least one of them, it might be my new all - time favorite:)
I've always wondered how painted upholstery would feel when touched.
I have a feeling when he's off at college next year his clothes will be stolen out of the washing machine!
Your sad face made me giggle though because that's how I've felt when I knew pictures weren't going to have the look I imagined them to have.
Plus like this I had the feeling when buying it, that I'm getting two handbags.
I have a feeling when I do though, it will definitely become a closet staple.
When I have nothing to wear (like every other girl would feel when you can't choose any outfits because you have too many choices?!)
How would you feel when your date stated he is in his late 20's and he looks older than your dad?
What visionary filmmaker Terence Malick is trying to achieve, I think, is to communicate the feeling of smallness the people who set out to harvest America must have felt when confronted to the hugeness of the land.
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