Sentences with phrase «haemorrhage which»

Most brain (cerebral) aneurysms only cause noticeable symptoms if they burst (rupture) leading to a very serious haemorrhage which can cause extensive brain damage and symptoms of agonising headache, pain on looking at light, neck stiffness, vomiting, etc..
I had a brain haemorrhage which took my right side.

Not exact matches

A defence which had been the second stingiest in La Liga last season, passing coolly and calmly when under pressure, leaked — no, haemorrhaged — goals.
Clamping the cord, especially at an early stage, may also cause the extra blood trapped within the placenta to be forced back through the placenta into the mothers blood supply with the third stage contractions.32 33 This feto - maternal haemorrhage (FMH) increases the chance of future blood group incompatibility problems, which occur when the current baby's blood enters the mother's blood stream, causing an immune reaction which can be reactivated in a subsequent pregnancy, destroying the baby's blood cells and causing anaemia or even death.
Synthetic oxytocin, which mimics the effects of natural oxytocin on a pregnant woman's uterus, was first marketed in the 1950's, and has largely replaced ergometrine, although a combination drug, called syntometrine, is still used, especially for severe haemorrhage.
As noted, western practices do not facilitate the production of a mother's own oxytocin, neither is attention paid to reducing adrenaline levels in the minutes after birth, both of which are physiologically likely to improve uterine contractions and therefore reduce haemorrhage.
But it added: «Women need to be counselled on the unexpected emergencies — such as cord prolapse, fetal heart rate abnormalities, undiagnosed breech, prolonged labour and postpartum haemorrhagewhich can arise during labour and can only be managed in a maternity hospital.
Some of these include: polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, postpartum haemorrhage, fragments of retained placenta (which fools he body into thinking it is still pregnant so affects levels of breastfeeding hormones) and rarely, insufficient glandular tissue («red flags» are a lack of breast development during puberty and pregnancy).
The main artery at the back of his neck was damaged during the birth which caused a fatal brain haemorrhage, probably due to the nursing staff wanting me to deliver before the night shift came on duty and their intervention caused the injury to the neck area.
These pathologies fall broadly into four categories: coagulopathy, where abnormal blood clotting is caused; haemorrhaging, where bleeding occurs; neurotoxicity, which damages the nervous system causing paralysis, and cytotoxicity, where the bite causes death of cells and destruction of tissue.
They showed slides of extensive intestinal haemorrhaging in the victims, which seemed to bolster their claims that the bacteria had been ingested.
He believes the disease, which in its worst form can cause uncontrollable haemorrhaging and an agonising death, could turn up at any time, courtesy of a roving fruit bat.
The official deficiency of Vitamin C is known as «scurvy», which although uncommon, can still occur in adults and children and is characterised by irritability, leg pain, and loss of appetite, shortness of breath, fever, tissue haemorrhaging and pain.
Seamen everywhere feared this disease which started with lethargy and lacklustre energy, progressed to bleeding gums, weak joints and strange spots on the skin, and finally ended with death as the blood vessels collapsed and haemorrhaged.
These dogs have affected bowels which haemorrhage, ulcerate and gradually degenerate.
While it's not uncommon for games to haemorrhage population after launch, No Man's Sky happened to be dropping way faster than it should, which quickly hinted at different sorts of problems.
We must do all we can to ensure we are not losing talented women, and to that end, I'm involved in a cross-professional organisation called Women in Criminal Law, which is designed to be a networking and support organisation to try to ensure that we're not haemorrhaging talent.
However, firms which are not supporting their employees in the way in which they are legally obliged to, risk not only comeback for non-compliance, but also haemorrhaging vital skills as disengaged staff take their expertise elsewhere.
Another condition is venous sinus thrombosis, which leads to raised intracranial pressure, and venous haemorrhage.
«The importance of this relatively unknown case for the public is that it should be recognised and heeded for what it is: not just a massive blot on the judicial landscape but a blot which has haemorrhaged to become the landscape itself.»
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