Sentences with word «hafta»

I'll hafta check out the olive next!
You've heard of the Walking Dead somewhere, so we don't hafta go over that.
Alas, no coconut anything in my house =\ hafta be boring «ol wheat flour until I get my keister to a store.
I'm gonna hafta look into that!
I may hafta grow old but I refuse to grow up.I love being my own boss because it gives me plenty of free time to...
You're gonna hafta take taxi, car or monorail to get there.
Ya wan na be dangerous pilots and not Titan fodder, yer gonna hafta listen to me!
~ What I really love about this rustic flatbread method, is that you don't hafta» worry too much about getting perfectly shaped breads.
We can at least assume the catching will get better once Feduccia is back, but God forbid he hafta miss any more time during the season.
If potty training is still a new thing and there's a narrow window between «mommy I hafta pee» and an accident, you might want to rethink a costume that's complicated to get out of.
Additionally, the choice between nutritional vs ethically motivated veganism doesn't hafta be «either / or»... it can be «both - and».
Or what are your non-negotiable, gotta - hafta - must be there ingredients?
I hafta pin your look, because well.....
They hafta divide resources.
IAFS: So all future Argo data, supposedly the state of the art SST technology, will hafta» be adjusted to warmer bucket trends?
All you hafta do is hire the services of economist and author, Don Sailorman, surviving apocalypses since 1962.
First I hafta acquire them ~ LOL ~ but I love these ideas!
I'll hafta check»em out next time we go to the store.
Love that green and brown... but I hafta choose just one?
So, I hafta ask about the dark glossy purple doors — design decision?
I gave up computer before noon for Lent, and I hafta say that at first it was REALLY HARD!
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