Sentences with phrase «hair and skin scales»

Another testing method is to collect hair and skin scales to grow for several days in a fungal culture medium.

Not exact matches

The scaling is more pronounced and lasts longer because of hair shafts stopping the scales from rubbing or falling off, as they do on bare skin.
It's usually the pet's dander — skin and hair scales — that triggers the reaction, so keep the animal well - groomed and healthy to reduce dander production.
How has the ancestral scaly skin given rise to the very different morphologies of scales, feathers and hairs, as well as the astonishing variety of forms that these appendages can take?
This indicates that the three types of skin appendages are homologous: the reptilian scales, the avian feathers and the mammalian hairs, despite their very different final shapes, evolved from the scales of their reptilian common ancestor.»
Previous studies have revealed that human hair, reptile scales and bird feathers evolved from a single ancestor — a reptile that lived 300 million years ago — but this new study from the Fraser Lab at Sheffield has found that the skin teeth found on sharks also developed from the same genes.
Sharks belong to a more basal group of vertebrates and their scales have been observed in the fossil record over the course of 450 million years of evolution, so the Sheffield researchers believe this indicates that all vertebrates, whether they live on land or in the sea, share the same developmental programme for skin, teeth and hair that has remained relatively unchanged throughout vertebrate evolution.
Both the scale and any hair covering the skin lesions is an impediment to effective treatment and skin healing.
Anthropologists use for this purpose a scale of skin color and iris of the eyes, hair color and shape, the eyelid, nose and lips shape, as well as anthropometric instruments.
Sensitivity to the sun, a condition known as Solar Dermatosis, is when cats suffer redness on their skin, hair loss, scaling and ulcers.
The most consistent and accurate way to identify a ringworm infection is by collecting scales and crust from the affected skin and hair coat and performing a culture.
Affects areas of skin touching ground; intense itching, redness, hair loss, papules, crusts, and scales
Symmetrical hair loss in genital area and neck; hair loss may progress onto trunk; skin may appear darker; severe scaling; hair color may fade; coat is similar to a «puppy coat»
Basic symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, hair loss, scaling, skin infections and cold intolerance.
Deficiency: Zinc responsive dermatosis (a.k.a. zinc deficiency dermatitis) in dogs, causing skin scaling and redness as well as hair loss.
They are: lethargy, generalized weakness, inactivity, mental dullness, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, excessive hair shedding, poor hair growth, dry or lusterless haircoat, excessive scaling in the skin, recurring skin infections, intolerance to cold, and rarely, tilting of the head to one side, seizures, and infertility.
Symptoms include hair loss, skin scaling, red irritated skin areas and mild itch occurs.
Other conditions we see with itching are hair loss, redness, scaling, flaking or crusting skin, external parasites, superficial skin infections (bacterial and yeast infections) and others.
Cheyletiellosis (walking dandruff): is another common form of mange, which is usually characterized by a dorsal (on the back) distribution of redness and skin scaling with patchy hair loss.
Dogs with black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD) typically have progressive hair loss and skin scaling, almost exclusively in areas of black skin.
Hair loss and changes in the skin, scaling of the skin, delayed healing of wounds, and hematomas may also be noticeable.
Subverting ideals of male beauty in beautiful black - and - white prints, often monumentally scaled, his steady scrutiny of his hands, feet, knees, legs, and much more revealed baroque swags of skin, odd eruptions of hair, broken nails, and ropy veins — a willful over-sharing poised between documentary and performance.
Ojih Odutola seems to be finding her way with color and scale, translating the way she draws the texture of skin and hair into finding inventive approaches to clothing and furnishings.
His skin is made of saffron and dark grey scales and has red hair that can be seen in his head, chest and mane.
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