Sentences with phrase «hair around the eyes»

Even dogs with long hair around their eyes can be prone to chronic infection and irritation.
Further, this sheds a lot so I'm often left with random brush hairs around my eyes.
Acquired abnormalities include damage to the tear duct system due to factors such as infection, injury to the eyelid, trauma to the area around the eyes affecting the bones and soft tissues, irritations due to facial hair around the eyes, infections of the conjunctiva, cornea or tissues inside the eye, increased pressure in the eye, as well as tumours in or around the eyes.
Breeds such as the Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, Maltese and Poodle (toy) often have excess tearing and fine hair around the eyes and face.
Two other conditions related to eyelid conformation are trichiasis (Pekingese)(an irritation caused by hair around the eye area) and eversion of the nictating membrane (prolapsed third eyelid), occurring in larger breeds with facial folds and a distinct stop.
Other facial features or issues that cause or exacerbate tear stains are inward turned eyelids and eyelashes; growth of long hairs around the eye; and blocked tear drainage holes.
You also need to clip the hair around eyes and ears and clean the whiskers after each meal.
Clip the hair around the eyes to make it appear as though it has eyebrows, and avoid cutting the beard too short.
Trim the hair around the eyes and ears when it gets too long.
Trim the hair around the eyes so that there are no mats.
Trim the hair around the eyes and ears.
In haired breeds, the hair around the eye often becomes matted with discharge from the eyes.
Hair around the eye can also cause tearing and staining.
Thinning of the hair around the eyes, mouth and front of the legs, evolving into patches approximately one inch in diameter
Use a trimmer to trim the hair around the eyes and ears.
The hair around the eyes and mouth may need extra cleaning.
In addition to a good brushing, grooming can also involve bathing the dog and trimming the hair around the eyes, feet and under the tail.
Otherwise the hairs around the eyes will remain wet and that will be the reason red yeast to grow.
Using an old toothbrush, gently brush away any hair around the eyes that may be causing irritation.
The Boerboel is well pigmented, especially on the lips; palate; the skin and hair around the eyes; footpads and toenails.
As with most dogs, you should expect to bathe him on a monthly basis, using a mild shampoo with the hair around his eyes and ears trimmed and his ears cleaned periodically to avoid any infections.
It is important to pay special attention to keeping the hair around the eyes and ears trimmed.
I've noticed that the hair around her eyes and face is very short, compared to the rest of her coat.
Symptoms of KCS include a stringy mucous discharge, pain and rubbing at the eyes, and the hair around the eyes being matted.
As such, the fur around the legs and belly can get very long and become matted and the hair around the eyes can impair the dog's vision.
For most dogs suffering from an infestation of demodex mites, the symptoms include thinning of the hair around the eyes, mouth and front of the legs.
Trim the hairs around eye, so that they can not intrude into the eye.
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