Sentences with phrase «hair fall»

Losing my hair has been a process, not just the process of hair falling out - but for my own growth, my own story.
Hair fall in most cases is accompanied by the worst kind of headache.
I have lots of thick long hair like you do so I find it hard to do a messy bun without having huge chunks of long hair falling out everywhere!
It makes hair fall toward the face, making it comfortable and unique according to your face shape.
There are many over the counter drugs available in the stores that claim to stop hair fall but these are often expensive or even worse are of little help.
The ears face forward, attentive to the slightest sound, and long hair falls over the opening.
Although I was initially skeptical about how much scalp exercises and massage could help with hair fall I decided to commit to trying both regularly and see if I could see any difference.
Any hair supplements anyone can suggest that actually help reduce hair fall and help with new hair growth!
This product can be your solution for dry and dull hair, and hair fall issues and can prevent many other hair problems.
I do experience more hair fall out, but blame my thyroid for that.
Her dark brown hair falls long and straight around her face.
Luckily there are many (powerful) ways to treat hair fall right at home.
Finish by pulling hair back loosely, letting a few hairs fall out, and pinning sections around the base.
It is rather unfortunate that the medical society still can not help mothers - to - be figure out if they will experience hair fall before it takes place.
You will look quite sweet in long loose curls with a small bunch of hair falling down your face.
This long and thick hair falls just around this lovely lady's hip section.
I use the whey for my hair each week, resulting in less hair fall.
I have very thin hair and most oils lead to excessive hair fall because of the chemicals used for making them.
Human shampoo can cause some serious problems like excessive hair fall or allergic reaction.
Also, pay attention to limiting your intake of vitamin A because it triggers hair fall.
If your body shifts over to the acidic side of the spectrum, quite often hair fall is the result.
This process of hair renewal through hair fall is called shedding.
Most newborn hair falls out; this is completely normal.
There is a certain amount of «hair etiquette» that you need to consider to avoid hair fall.
Learn more about using almond oil to reverse hair fall here.
Don't worry if a few random hairs fall out — this look is supposed to be messy!
Using a white pencil, stencil the shape that you want to create, ensuring stray hairs fall out of the stencil.
Eventually all of your fab pregnancy hair falls out..
And then that made me remember an idea I encountered a long time ago: that hair falling between the chin and shoulder is considered an «old lady» length.
I did not cry, not there, but later when going through the pictures of hair falling off.
From some days I am observing that a continuous hair fall of my dog.
We were shocked when around six months his black hair all fell out and we had a sunny blonde dog!
So, it's not unexpected that we're constantly looking for ways how to stop hair fall.
One of the main ways these vegetables help reduce hair fall is through their anti-inflammatory effects.
Less hair falls out too (a major plus if you have thin hair).
If you're noticing an abnormal amount of hair falling out after your baby arrives, don't panic.
But the researchers think the relative length of the outside and inside hair cells probably determines where hair falls on the straight / curly spectrum in humans as well — a discovery that could potentially pave the way for the development of new hair products.
She kept her head down, and her wavy, dark blond hair fell into her face, covering the port - wine birthmark on her cheek, a large round blotch like blusher gone haywire.
Odylique Reply: Hi Sarah, Please try not to worry about hair falling out, it's quite normal to shed hairs daily, as they are pushed out of the follicles to make way for new ones.
Dark brown hair fell across his forehead, and the whites of his eyes glowed with the brilliant yellow of a highlighter marker.
When coconut oil is massaged, the essential nutrients get into the scalp and help prevent hair fall.
To maintain luxurious locks, follicles in the skin must be periodically replaced when hairs fall out.
The most important benefit of Amaranth is that it helps in controlling hair fall.
If you are not having a strong scalp, and you suffer from hair fall from time to time, the side brushing style is one of the best options, which you can go for.
Many inexperienced border collies» owners think that their dog is suffering with hair fall problem or some kind of disease, which is completely wrong assumption because shedding is natural and happens to every dog breed.
Wearing head - to - toe denim and black lipstick, un-brushed blond hair falling around her shoulders, Ellison presided over a panel that pinged from salacious to silly to serious in seconds, and included Vogue sex columnist Karley Sciortino; writer and activist Grace Dunham; artist and activist Reina Gosset; and filmmaker Leilah Weinraub.
Sylvie, another colleague, looks up at me sympathetically from her desk near the door, her streaky blonde hair falling in her face.
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