Sentences with phrase «hair follicles so»

Although this treatment is simple in its outcome, basically killing the hair follicle so that you'll be hair free forever, it's imperative that you visit a reputable salon.

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It is widely thought to be a malfunction in the autoimmune system, so the body attacks its own hair follicles resulting in hair growth being stunted or stopped altogether.
Your hair, specifically, may appear healthier than ever since the excessive female hormones can increase the percentage of follicles in the growing phase so that only a few stragglers will fall off.
ARMPITS Most of the 12 trillion or so total skin bacteria prefer the moist climate of the armpits and groin, where urea, protein, salts, and lactic acid leak out of sweat ducts and gather around hair follicles.
«Dermal papilla cells give rise to hair follicles, and the notion of cloning hair follicles using inductive dermal papilla cells has been around for 40 years or so,» said co-study leader Colin Jahoda, PhD, professor of stem cell sciences at Durham University, England, and co-director of North East England Stem Cell Institute, who is one of the early founders of the field.
The full readout of what genes are on and off in dermal papilla cells has never been collected before, so researchers now have a new list of thousands of genes to study further that may play key roles in hair follicle development.
But hair growth depends on the ability of cells in the hair follicles to keep dividing and so producing cells which die and are built into the hair shaft.
It's likely that the drugs that are so effective in enhancing hair growth in the mice could affect the same pathways in human follicles, suggesting they could induce new hair growth and extend the growth of existing hairs in humans.
In vitro hair follicles would be useful, so would blood stem cells.
Given this, it shouldn't come as a surprise that if these stem cells are destroyed, so is the hair follicle (Ohyama et al., 2006; Ohyama 2007).
Flutamide blocks androgen receptors on hair follicle cells so androgens can't connect to the receptors.
Estrogen protects the hair follicles and skin so lower estrogen - to - testosterone ratios may trigger hair loss, as well as weaken your bones and contribute to heart disease.
I once had a patient come in thinking she had «vaginal acne» but it's not technically acne, because acne is a bacterial - based condition that affects the skin, so usually in the vaginal area it's going to be of like a hair follicle issue.
The disease is incurable, so treatments consist of managing the symptoms by giving anti-inflammatory medications and using anti-scaling shampoo to clean crusty lesions that form around hair follicles.
Pemphigus is a sterile disease process, so bacteria are not usually seen, especially if performing a Tzanck smear on a large pustule that spans more than one hair follicle.
It is important to completely part the hair and apply the product directly to the skin so that proper skin and hair follicle distribution can occur.
Demodex cati lives deeper in the skin (inside hair follicles) so is not as easily licked away by the patient and is somewhat more amenable to detection in scrapings.
It takes about a week for a puppy's immune system to start developing, so the mites enter the puppy's hair follicles while the immune system is developing and then begin laying eggs and growing in number for months before you see any signs.
My products are where my passion is... piercing kids so you don't trigger a nickel allergy, growing hair, lashes, brows (wherever there is a viable follicle left)... I can't work miracles on dead ones (speak to a higher being each day but not granted the ability of miracles) OR... I'm getting rid of hairs (yes, I'm currently working on the lip & chin hairs as I'm on THAT patrol each morning too) but I can grow nails a LOT faster.
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