Sentences with word «hairiness»

The level of hairiness of the Neanderthals was unknown so, «as the primitive men ofAustraliahave several Neanderthaloid characters, including heavy brow ridges, it was decided to follow their hirsute type.»
Human cultural history plus a pinch of evolutionary biology tell us that the trend for male hairiness could be here to stay, says primatologist Adrian Barnett
He assumed that the first modern humans did not interbreed with Neanderthals, as they would have been repelled by the Neanderthal's «extreme hairiness», «ugliness», and «repulsive strangeness».
Also, though it was a very brief trial, spearmint leaf tea showed promise as an anti-androgen treatment for hirsutism (abnormal hairiness) in polycystic ovarian syndrome in female subjects.
Because of their adorable hairiness a Maltipoo Grooming and Maltipoo haircuts is needed by the dog.
Men of all sizes, shapes, and hairiness welcome!
Great Pyrenees rescue groups are often inundated with dogs that were purchased without understanding of the size, independence, and hairiness of the breed.
A study done at Johns Hopkins proved that there is a correlation between the intensity of heartburn felt by the mother and the hairiness of the baby.
Once you have the baby those extra hormones will be flushed from your system and in a month or two your hairiness will go back to normal levels.
That plant's flowers have roughly the same shape, color, hairiness, and scent as females of the bee Andrena nigroaenea, its only pollinator.
This could either be caused by less effective or shorter grooming behaviour in B. terrestris, or, alternatively by the different accessibility of the relevant safe sites due to differences in the hairiness and mobility of legs and body.
Capitalizing on the popularity of sleeveless dresses and dresses with sheer sleeves, and the idea that hairiness is disgusting, marketers gave women a reason to shave.
We went back to mine and she didn't like my dogs or their hairiness and proceeded to hoover the house telling me I shouldn't have dogs as they are disgusting and some people can get asthma.
Canine ear canals can not provide an accurate temperature read due to their shape, hairiness and dirt build - up, states the American Kennel Club.
Customize characteristics that range from the hairiness of a werewolf's body to the shape of a fairy's wings.
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