Sentences with phrase «half of all dog bite»

There are certain breeds that make up a disproportionate amount of dog bite claims, making insurance companies less willing to cover any liability issues they cause.
In fairness to those who brought the suit, however, this is a case of the worm turning, of the dog biting after repeated provocation.
«Most of the respondents are aware of the general risk of dog bites,» says Arhant.
Two days later, one of the dogs bit the girl.
In the April issue of Frontiers, Braczkowski et al. discuss the positive impacts of leopards in terms of reduced incidence of dog bites and rabies transmission, as well as cost savings with respect to dog sterilization and management.
The number of dog bite claims in the U.S. was just over 15,000 in 2015 — the lowest in five years — but the cost per claim is at an all - time high, $ 37,214 per claim.
Surprisingly, over 30 % of liability claims are the result of dog bites.
A mistake many dog owners make is waiting until the unwanted behavior gets to the point where it becomes dangerous, difficult to change or potentially costly, as in the case of a dog bite.
In 2007 the average cost of a dog bite insurance claim was $ 24,511.6 If you are not properly insured to cover those types of damages, you could find yourself filing bankruptcy or having your wages garnished for a very long time.
Interestingly, the ban on certain breeds (e.g., pit - bull types in the United Kingdom in the 1990s), invariably fails to lower the number of dog bites, which keeps rising.
p.s. Responsible dog ownership and public education must be a primary focus of any dog bite prevention policy.
Did you know that 77 % of all dog bites involve children being bitten by their family dog or a friend's family dog?
Most of those dog bites can be prevented.
Roughly 70 percent of all dog bite injuries occur on the dog owner's property and are not caused by stray or unknown dogs.
This type of dog bite can be inflicted on anyone who frightens the dog.
This type of dog bite is often inflicted upon family members, people that the dog knows well and considers a part of its pack.
This type of dog bite is closely linked to the defensive dog bite that happens when the dog is frightened by someone or something.
This is especially sad since children stand a higher risk of being bitten in the first place; 60 percent of the dog bite victims are children.
Majority of dog bites occur during adolescence (6 months to 1 year) and at maturity (2 to 3 years).
The coalition is committed to reducing the number of dog bites and helping owners maintain the loving bond between them and their dogs.
Finally, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) exhaustive review of dog bite studies conducted in North America and elsewhere has concluded that, «Serious bites occur due to a range of factors,» and that separate regulation based on breed is not a basis for preventing such dog bites.
It is not casual, indeed that with the resurgence of the «dominance alpha wolf theory» fueled by Cesar Millans» National Geographic show the «Dog Whisperer» the number of dog bites are one the rise.
The greatest majority of the victims of dog bites are children, and since children are physically much weaker and smaller than many dogs, these bites can be serious, even fatal.
About 20 % of these dog bites need a doctor's attention.
It is not possible to know the actual total of dog bites that occur in any community, as most incidents are never reported.
With 70 million dogs in the United States, there's got to be a significant number of dog bites.
Dog bite prevention programs are important for community leaders and school officials to consider implementing in attempts to reduce the number of dog bites and attacks within the community.
When it comes to how to groom a dog that bites, the first thing you want to do is to determine the cause of your dog biting.
Other jurisdictions, like Toronto and Ireland, have found a similar trend — an increase in the overall number of dog bites after the implementation of breed - specific legislation.
1 - there is not such thing as a pit bull, it \'s simply used to describe dogs with similar physical characteristics 2 - without knowing exactly what breed it truly is you can not accurately determine what breed is biting 3 - as the article points out, it \'s impossible to determine the number of dog bites as many aren \» t reported.
Did you know that 77 % of dog bites are to from family and friends dogs?
There is no definitive source for animal attack statistics, but pit bull fanciers claim that statistics show other breeds of dog bite more frequently — German shepherds lead the list — and accuse the media of publicizing only pit bull maulings.
Being restrained or confined in this manner will heighten feelings of anxiety and nervousness in a dog, and will increase the likelihood of a dog biting from its perceived need to protect itself.
With supervision and knowledge of dog bite prevention, your kids should be safe in the company of almost any dog.
Her name is Colleen Lynn and she was the victim of a dog bite in 2007.
The National Canine Research Council states that despite a lack of concrete evidence linking specific breeds to a higher rate of dog bites, as well as an outright lack of success in reducing the number of dog - bite related injuries, BSL is incredibly expensive for the communities affected by it, draining resources that could otherwise be used to promote more humane and effective forms of population control and in turn, reduce overcrowding in shelters.
Stop the 77 says 77 % of dog bites come from the family dog or a friend's dog.
The simplest means of dog bite prevention in these cases is to advise your children to avoid dogs they don't know.
An informal, yet conclusive summary of (Taken from KC DOG BLOG — «While it seems that lately, several media outlets have been treating them like they have a particular knowledge on the subject of dog bites and attacks (I'll get to a possible «why» on that later in the post), it doesn't erase the reality that is simply a website run almost entirely by an individual person who has an expertise in web design, access to google, and a desire to seek revenge on an attack that happened to her several years.
The American Family Physician website has information on treating a dog bite in their article Prevention and Treatment of Dog Bites if your child does get bitten.
Numerous studies have proven that the number - one cause of dog bite fatalities is the pit bull breed.
A large part of dog bite prevention is understanding who is most at risk when it comes to being bitten.
Dog Bites and Pit Bulls In December 2013, The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) published the most comprehensive multifactorial study of dog bite - related fatalities (DBRFs) completed since the subject was first studied in the 1970s.
However, these owners also realize that the problem of dog bites and dog attacks does not lie within a single breed or group of breeds.
Andrew, the AVA are using this opportunity to point out what needs to be done to reduce the incidence of dog bite injury.
The death of Ayen Chol was a terrible tragedy but it does not justify the knee jerk response that ignores the advice of experts in the area of dog bite accident prevention.
To help reduce the number of dog bites, Love - A-Bull believes in a twofold solution: 1) educating owners about responsible dog ownership and 2) educating people, especially children, about how to interact safely and respectfully with all dogs.
It is known that rather than being a random event 60 % of dog bites occur in the home or backyard of family, neighbours or friends.
Statistically, when you look at dog attacks on humans, you will see that about 90 percent of dog bites are considered to be only minor injuries.
With all of the dog bite attacks that circulate in the news, you may sometimes worry, what if that were you?
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