Sentences with phrase «half of the onion»

But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can often times arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions.»
But act I did, and want two - and - a-half weeks packaging - free before buying my first packaged food again (a mesh bag of onions, which, looking back, I could have avoided by buying loose onions).
«Last week, we ran out of onions and potatoes twice,» an employee of a Brooklyn Whole Foods store said.
Each facet of the due diligence peels back another layer of the onion and raises further questions about risk.
They also found chipped, cracked, and missing pieces of plastic on the onion production line; knives that were used to remove unwanted pieces of onions had initials etched into them; and blue tape that was being used to temporarily fix a cracked metal plate on a packing line where products meant for export were packed at the time of the inspection.
To counter these problems, Baker has championed an approach she calls «layers of the onion
Almost 90 % of onions grown in the United States are yellow, according to Serious Eats.
It seems like a sad existence to me to not be able to enjoy the beautiful flavors of an onion
Some say they are the apple of onions because some varieties, such as the Vidalia, are so sweet and crisp that they can be sliced and eaten raw, according to Sidoti.
«When I'm looking to cut down on prep but still want a little bit of onion and a little bit of garlic, I reach for the shallot.
Terms of the transaction were not disclosed, but an earlier report from National Public Radio said the broadcaster is acquiring 40 % of The Onion's parent company, which gives it effective control over the site and its related assets.
(A perfect example, courtesy of the Onion: «Employees From Other Department Announce Plan to Ramble On About F *** ing Nothing Right Next to Your Desk»)
Baratunde Thurston, a director's fellow at MIT Media Lab, Fast Company columnist and former digital director of The Onion, replied, «Online training and certification will grow significantly in part due to the high expense of formal higher education along with its declining payoffs for certain occupations.
Often compared to the Tor network for its use of onion routing, Lightning has occasionally been celebrated as a darknet for bitcoin payments — however, it's comparatively untested, and could face some of the problems native to Tor as well.
As a fan of the The Onion I admit that I missed that piece.
They sought no Protestant principle at the center of the onion.
The more we peel back the layers of the onion that is «existence», the more we realize that the ultimate answers lie outside the capabilities of the intellect.
Margolies has to explain, to her own satisfaction, why Feinberg would do such a thing, giving the play a structure like the peeling - back of layers of an onion one by one.
Well, that's what's happened to one of The Onion «s articles but, instead of ruining everything, it's made it all exponentially better.
Well as a regular reader of the onion, I can assure you that satire was directed at religious people, not atheists.
Rick Perry is just a method actor gearing up to play George W Bush in the cinematic debut of The Onion.
This is one layer of my onion spritual character... there are a lot of layer of characters which God is still dealing with me.I am born of God, I still do sin that is why I need to abide in Him everyday to get the strength from Him not to fall into sin.
He commenced the blessing: «Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe...»; Then, with his mind's eye first on the loaf of bread baked from barley flour, he said, «who brought forth bread from the earth...; then for the pot of lentils he prayed, «who created different kinds of seeds...,» and for the plate of onions and radishes, «who created different kinds of herbs...» For the locusts fried in a batter of honey and flour, he continued, «by whose word all things exist...»; for the bowl of figs, «who created the fruit of the tree...»; for the wine, «who created the fruit of the vine...» And for the baked fish, he exclaimed, «Blessed be the One who created this baked fish; how beautiful it is!»
Several servings of onion each week are sufficient to statistically lower your risk of some types of cancer.
The company's previous methods of disposing of the onion waste were becoming unmanageable and cost - prohibitive.
Another benefit of the onion waste disposal process — which has been operating since July 2009 — is that the farmland on which the waste used to be spread has had improved yields without it.
You can also purée sweet potatoes, broccoli, peas, beans and so on... — A small piece of feta cheese, cut in small pieces, is nice in a spinach soufflé or on a quiche... With 2 carrots, half a fennel, a third of an onion, a half of a radish, a fourth of anything else you can prepare the nicest salads.
«We are a vertically integrated company controlling the product at every level of the operation from seed development, planting, growing, harvesting, transporting, processing and packaging up to a million pounds of onions on a daily basis,» Director of Sustainability Nikki Rodoni declares.
Place a slice of onion on each chop.
That is the amount of waste generated daily by the nearly 1 million pounds of onions Gills Onions processes daily.
The core of the lasagna is made up of the flavor - building trio of onions, carrots and celery, as well as affordable, protein - rich mung beans (you can also use lentils), kale and mushrooms.
«The flavors and aromas of onions and garlic are generally attributable to allyl sulfides,» remarked our chili chemist, Dr. Crum.
Just as it is about to turn brown, add 1/2 of the garlic, 1/2 of the ginger, all of the onion, bell pepper, celery and the habanero.
How many cups of onions do you think your 2 onions yield, I have trouble figuring that out when a recipe calls for 2 onions, I don't want to add too much
An hour in the pan creates a thick spread of onions wrapped in a tomato blanket.
Some of the onions on the bottom toward the pan edges browned more than others, but they took on a caramelized flavor that actually added to the dish.
While Tony and I would love to try their other marinated meats, they are all chock full of onions.
The flavor came from a long simmer with both a tendon and some oxtail, then lots of onions, dried oregano, and lime once served.
Bronze Age (3500 - 1200 BC) settlements contain traces of onion.
For the meatballs, we used a mixture of onions and Mexican - inspired spices like cumin, oregano, paprika, and chili powder.
I then place the beef on top of the onions in the slow cooker, and let the machine do the rest!
This is a hearty stew of tender chicken thighs, plump shrimp, and a blend of andouille and chorizo with lots of onion, bell peppers, celery, garlic, and spices!
Usually when you finish a soup like this — and by «like this» I mean a relatively simple sauté of onion and garlic, a simmering of vegetables in broth followed by a run in the blender — cream or crème fraiche or sour cream goes in and you could do that here, but I didn't want to bury the brightness of the miso paste, so I instead drizzled some toasted sesame oil on it (which is, frankly, like crack to me) and scattered some thinly sliced scallions.
I typically make soup at least once a week, and Dorie's version of onion soup will become part of my soup repertoire.
Place the beef on top of the onions.
And they are so versatile... Awesome with shallots and parsley, or with extra basil and garlic instead of onion.
If you're a big fan of onion rings from Burger King, you probably already know about the spicy dipping sauce offered from the world's number two burger chain (it's not always on the menu, and you usually have to request it).
Each of these plants falls under the genus Allium; the actual progenitor of onions is difficult to identify because its cultivars are sterile.
Continue layering by adding another 1/3 of the cabbage, the rest of the onions, the rest of the apple slices and finally, the rest of the cabbage.
Place some of the onions, pepper and steak on a tortilla.
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