Sentences with phrase «hamper relief efforts»

But we must take care not to hamper relief efforts along the way.
Appeals for donations of infant formula should not be supported — they hamper relief efforts on the ground, people often donate the wrong kind.
The waters from flooding can linger for days, causing injuries, spreading disease, and hampering relief efforts.
So far, battlefield obstacles have hampered relief efforts.

Not exact matches

Lack of access to central and coastal communities, beyond Roseau, the country's capital, and Melville, have hampered needs assessments and humanitarian relief efforts.
Other Europeans, too, face a steep bill for climate change relief, but dire financial straits are hampering their efforts (see «Europe in 2050: a survivor's guide to climate change «-RRB-.
Millions of people in India died in the monsoon failures of the late 19th century, and relief efforts in earlier such famines were hampered by the lack of transportation infrastructure.
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