Sentences with phrase «hand expression in»

Hand expression In under - privileged centres, direct manual expression of milk into sterilised, wide - mouthed feeding bottles or cups, after washing the hands and breasts with soap and water, appears to be most suitable method.
I'm surprised you didn't talk about hand expression in this post.
Hand expression in the first few days and the use of the HOP technique might help mitigate other variables, in addition to prematurity, that are associated with low supply.
My impression of hand expression in those days was as a last resort when a good pump wasn't available.

Not exact matches

The demand «that rent should be handed over to the state to serve in place of taxes,» Marx explained, «is a frank expression of the hatred the industrial capitalist bears towards the landed proprietor, who seems to him a useless thing, an excrescence upon the general body of bourgeois production.»
Our Girls Learning Code program offer female - identified youth ages 3 - 12 hands - on experiences designed to inspire them to see technology in a whole new light — as a medium for self - expression, and as a means for changing the world.
I have seen such expressions of love: A husband gently washing his wife's face with a cool washcloth, cupping the back of her bald head in his hand to get to the nape of her neck, because she is too weak to lift it from the pillow.
The Pope was sitting with his head in his hands, an defeated expression on his face, staring at an ancient text.
And the expression, «They pierced my hands and my feet,» was used in reference to the nails of the cross which were fixed in His hands and feet.
Case in point: I happen to be a proud member of the rearguard of the Victorian Age, imbued with both reverence for women and old - fashioned romance, sentiments that find expression in kissing the hands of dates and women friends.
A slogan inscribed on a sign in the Solovki gulag was a simple but exact expression of the essence of utopia: «With an iron hand we will drive humanity to happiness!»
On the other hand, they admit that the world of power and injustice is the expression of sin; and indeed it is «in the heart of revolutionary negation of that sinful reality that God's «No» becomes audible in the social domain.»
But on the other hand, we must be willing to take the risk of finding for the gospel new ways of expression which will speak directly and vividly to the hearts of men in this age.
On the other hand, there is no God of a religious tradition cut off from critical reflection so that «it is wrong for religion's advocate to confound the object of this affirmation with the modalities of the affirmation; it is wrong for him to believe that the transcendence of the divine mystery is extended to the materiality of the expressions that it takes on in human consciousness; with greater reason it is wrong for him to consider that his problematic is canonized by this transcendence.
Such a history does not only exist because a very great deal of time and theological development and clarification was needed in some cases before the Church's awareness of its belief had finally fought its way to a clear realization that such and such a definite doctrine of the Church is really contained in divine revelation, is a genuine expression of what has always been globally believed or an obligatory defence against heretical misinterpretation of what has been handed down.
On the other hand, without the dramatic and poetic expression of the reversal in God's love play, when Krishna is conquered by Radha and the divine bows to the human, the full reality that the devotee experiences would not be expressed.
On the other hand, if we look at the Jewish scriptures in light of some of the more extreme expressions coming from deep ecologists and others, we do find an emphasis on discontinuity as well.
Liberals, on the other hand, aim to increase women's power and expression by working within traditional contexts, rereading, redefining and reclaiming traditions in light of women's reality.
On the other hand, the events in the historical order make their contribution to God and hence make available to God different ways in which the relationship may be given expression.
On the other hand, it becomes clear why this appears in Scripture embodied in a manner of expression which is that of the period of the Scripture itself.
With the future so obviously in the hands of others, Jews have taken chunks of the Jewish heritage and fashioned new modes of self - expression at the various stops the train has made.
I would however expression caution in the way your views are expressed for men who have undegone mistreatment at the hands of women.
He has «come» to man in a human Life, using as the vehicle for His self - expression «that which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled.»
For Nietzsche, on the other hand, the essential unity which may be said to underlie all things is not a complete totality which we can grasp through reason (as it is with Hegel), but an open - ended, incomplete process or chaotic flux which finds expression in the contingent, finite, temporal process of growth and decay which are characteristic of nature.
It was, in fact, first used by Bultmann, who, in discussing the parables, reached the conclusion: «We can only count on possessing a genuine similitude of Jesus where, on the one hand, expression is given to the contrast between Jewish morality and piety and the distinctive eschatological temper which characterized the preaching of Jesus; and where on the other hand we find no specifically Christian features.
On the other hand, in some severely structured formal worship, the expressive power is lost because the worshiper is more concerned with the right performance than with the expression of the sense of events.
Others, on the other hand, find in it the means of constructing the steps towards fundamental transformation of the economic system and its political expressions.
On one hand, organized religion needs to find expression in practical social services and should encourage the development of these parachurch activities.
Isn't a profession of faith an action in itself, and on the other hand, isn't acting according to one's faith the ultimate expression and thus profession of it?
On the other hand, we may so respond to the lure of God (often enough in what I have consistently called its secular expression) that we may be enabled to make some contribution, however small it may seem, to the ongoing process toward greater good.
A third interface between a passage written from the standpoint of the concept of God in two natures, on the one hand, and, on the other, an expression of the concept of a non-temporal God can be found in here:
On the other hand, if we can find a way to understand and affirm absolute immanence as a contemporary and kenotic realization of the Kingdom of God, an expression in our experience of an original movement of Christ from transcendence to immanence, then we can give ourselves to the darkest and most chaotic moments of our world as contemporary ways to the Christ who even now is becoming all in all.
If there is to be «suggestion from without» by means of words in order to evoke «moments of insight,» we are still operating on empirical grounds, for in order for there to be a common expression of such insight there needs to be «first a stage of primary expression into some medium of sense - experience which each individual contributes at first hand
Interesting one for you though - compare Luke's account Lu 11:20 with Matthew's account in 12:28 (notice in Luke's account he uses «God's Finger» instead of the expression «Holy Spirit» as used by Matthew) showing that the Holy Sprit is the same as God's metaphorical fingers or hands — an impersonal force that he uses to get things done like create for instance or in this case expel demons.
In the hands of Srinivasan, sex is not a mystery — it is a means of domination or marginalization or self - expression.
On the one hand, some have said that aside from the development which issued in the incarnation all the groping is an expression of man's sin.
Within the esoteric tradition of these schools, hand and finger symbolism was cultivated to an incredibly skillful and complicated system of expression which makes it possible to express through finger and hand symbols the whole content of the school's secret doctrine in one worship service.
Despite its excommunication and persecution at the hands of traditional Rabbinism, Hasidism was firmly rooted in the Jewish past and was perhaps more truly an expression of that past than any Jewish movement in modern times.
Not an expression that is acceptable, adaptive, conformed to the modern spirit, but an expression that is true because, on the one hand, it comes to grips with the problems of our society and its people, and, on the other, firmly upholds the reality of the Revelation in its fullness.
The fact remains that at the present time a fundamental inner impulse, newly born in our hearts, is tending to find a dual, and divergent, expression in two apparently incompatible spiritual forms; on the one hand, the spirit (let us call it «Christian») of sacrifice and of union centered in the expectation of an Apotheosis in the future; and on the other hand the Promethean or Faustian spirit of self - worship based on the material organization of the earth.
It is a curious situation that one is expected at a football game or political rally to give vent to an emotional enthusiasm, with motor expressions in the form of yelling, clapping of hands, and leaping into the air, which if practiced in a religious meeting would brand one as a fanatical «holy roller.»
There are two expressions, each using leaves selected for their rarity and taste profile: the Darjeeling White Peony is grown at high altitude in Darjeeling and hand - picked once a year; and the rich Connoisseur's Oolong is grown in New Zealand in perfect growing conditions for tea.
The term «cook - up» is a Caribbean expression that refers to a dish that incorporates the ingredients you have on - hand in the kitchen.
Now, though accident - prone as ever, Botham had fallen into the hands of a survivor of hippie days, one Tim Hudson, an Englishman in his mid-40s who said he had made a fortune in real estate in California, and who claimed to have invented the expression Flower Power.
The stimulation that occurs during nursing with an SNS (together with added stimulation from hand expression and / or pumping) may provide sufficient stimulation to initiate milk production, especially if the parent has previously breastfed (in which case this is called «relactation»).
Hand expression can be helpful in those cases, but certainly isn't ideal.
Learning how to use hand expression can help you become more comfortable with your breasts and more aware of what's normal and not normal, plus it could help you notice any changes in your breasts that need attention.
Hand expression is better prior to the milk coming in but of course nothing works like the baby.
Maya Bolman BA, BSN, IBCLC will be sharing her expertise in promoting hand expression and breast massage to work through breastfeeding challenges, (USA)
I now see hand expression as far more powerful than pumping in many ways.
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