Sentences with phrase «hand for other purposes»

It's long been used to coat and soothe sore throats, but it's helpful to have on hand for other purposes, too.

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Mobile devices, on the other hand, are well suited for other purposes.
If, on the other hand, you're searching for a great career full of passion, purpose and achievements you can be proud of, now you know how to find it.
Today, some organizations are using biometric technologies to keep outsiders out, but others are finding the technology — especially the less - expensive fingertip and hand scanners — far more useful for in - house security purposes.
Bitcoin, on the other hand, is border-less, portable, can not (easily) be confiscated and can be easily set up for family wealth and inheritance purposes.
On the other hand, if the concrete way this school does «have to do with God» is ordered to education for ministerial functions, is it not then in practice using «having to do with God» for a further, ulterior purpose («educating for ministerial functions»), thus corrupting its proper theological character («having to do with God for God's own sake»)?
For purposes of classification, therefore, it would perhaps be most accurate to think of Davies as a writer of Christian apocrypha: a novelist who finds himself uncomfortably restrained by the canon of Christian thought, but who is not, on the other hand, a heretic; a self - proclaimed moralist who holds that while we reap what we sow, it is often difficult to know the nature of the seed or the outcome of the harvest.
On the other hand, the church rightly understands that sin can lead us to use scientific advances for extremely evil purposes.
An open society, on the other hand, is organized on the basis of functional pluralism, in which every person is classified in many different ways, each for a particular purpose, and in which no single general rank order is recognized.
This practice is dictated in part by hygienic considerations, since the hands are used for many other purposes and may carry sources of infection.
God is a God of signs, and, as we have seen, what are called theophanies on the one hand, and miracles on the other, are never anything but signs for the purpose of attracting our attention.
On the other hand, the phrase can be interpreted as asserting that God provides a purpose to the nations, that with respect to an institution, God entertains a goal - for - it just as he entertains a goal - for - me.
On the other hand, the end of the section includes wording prohibiting religious groups from using government contract funds for purposes of «sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytization.»
Luke, on the other hand, understands that Mary and Joseph resided all the time in Nazareth; that they only chanced to be in Bethlehem when Jesus was born, having gone there for the purpose of being enrolled in a census; and that after Jesus» birth they returned to Nazareth again.
Certainly, he would consider it insufficient to apply his insights exclusively to the intra-Christian ecumenism in the polarity of contextuality and catholicity, as I have proposed for the purpose of this article.39 On the other hand, the problems that are implied in his ecumenical ecumenism are, in a striking way, analogous to those that present themselves as challenges to the intra-Christian oikoumene.
Since its mid - «80s heyday, much of the property has changed hands several times and has been used for a variety of purposes, mostly by other ministries.
On the other hand, the purpose of the classical disciplines of the life of prayer — such as postures, directing of thoughts, or devotional objects — is to provide what have proved in actual experience to be the most favorable conditions for real prayer.
Such aberrations are promptly excommunicated intellectually (the psychiatrists have at hand a full - blown «syllabus of errors» for this purpose, as do language analysts and other assorted ideologists of the cognitive status quo), and the individual who refuses to recant may have to face «repressive» treatments of various degrees of severity (from losing his job to electroshock).
«Religion» for legal purposes becomes simply «conscience,» and Congress, if it is to grant conscientious exemptions, «can not draw the line between theistic or nontheistic beliefs on the one hand and secular beliefs on the other
There is a biblical model and I believe it is still valid but on the other hand, there is no prohibition against meeting in buildings built for that purpose.
On the other hand, if we say that John's purpose statement aims high and that believing that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God is more than the minimum content for saving faith, it is a very unusual way for John to express himself — very unusual.
I will occasionally allow my photos to be used for other promotional purposes, if worked out before hand.
But if he has to sell for that purpose, especially to strengthen his hand financially to enable him purse other top quality targets in the transfer market this summer for Arsenal, Szczsney and Chambers are the least of those Gunners his books we expect him to sell.
Other great features on this stroller which boasts of being one of the best tandem stroller includes an adjustable telescoping handle bar which makes it great for parents of varied heights and for the security purpose; it has a large canopy with pop out sunvisor; it is roomy with adjustable leg rest; never flat tires; all wheel suspension; deep one hand recline; and five point harness.
Hands - free pumping construction makes it super easy to pump one breast while direct feeding from the other side which for me is exactly what I need for pumping for donating purposes as well as when I'm traveling away from my nursling and need to pump.
They're considered convenient and versatile as it is easy to carry around and can be used for many other purposes - from your child's face to his hands and bum.
For those who had higher levels of purpose, on the other hand, self - esteem remained the same, on average, regardless of how many likes they got.
Detergent, on the other hand, is typically synthetic (at least partially) and is typically designed for a specific purpose, such as to dissolve even in hard water or cold water.
Rhubarb's root, on the other hand, is used only for medicinal purposes and taken in remedial forms, where its pharmacological properties are more concentrated.
I use it for hand soap, dish washing and many other purposes.
On the other hand, some people may follow the restricted ketogenic diet for therapeutic purposes and they really need to make sure their ketone level is high while their blood sugar level is low.
Hookup dating online on the other hand is for those people who are looking for casual relationships for the sole purpose of having fun and not being committed to them.
Amanda, on the other hand, has a self - professed lack of emotions and looks at morality as a sort of calculus where a bad man like Mark can be eradicated for the purpose of excising his bad influence on the world, so while she understands the risks attendant in killing someone she doesn't quite understand the problem with doing so for a greater good.
The first one is closely related to compassion, and giving more than something, giving oneself, one's time, abilities and job; pretentiousness on the other hand is to do something although with the only purpose of being acknowledge and not for the sake of helping.
On the other hand if a negative competitive environment is set up, this might cause problems amongst your students, turning the learning experience into an unpleasant experience - for example, in a negative competitive environment users might start paying more attention to badges than to learning for the sole purpose of «beating» their colleagues.
ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) on the other hand is an international charity whose stated purpose is to transform children's lives in any part of the world.
On the other hand, this means the crankshaft has to operate under less than ideal conditions: instead of being coddled ‡ with a good supply of freshly - filtered oil, specially chosen for that purpose, it has to make do with the little bit of oil mixed into the fuel.
On the other hand, the use of sections of books for teaching purposes through «course packs» has enormous educational value, particularly because of problems of affordability on the part of the students.
However, ordering for more than one copy can be a good thing since you can hand one copy to the professor and you can use the other copy for the purpose of learning.
On the one hand it has an e-reading operating system that works on multiple devices, and on the other it's introducing a single - purpose device when the market is hot for e-readers.
On the other hand if you are writing it for the purpose of analysis essay, it would be an assertive statement.
Now that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions must be reported for tax purposes, cryptocurrency investors have a new issue on their hands.
They will, on the other hand, pay out for accidents that occur on a track day during which you were riding for the purpose of improving your bike - handling skills and to become a safer, more defensive driver.
Dividend investing, on the other hand, is about investing in a firm for the sole purpose of capturing earnings.
Tax - free on the other hand implies income that is not taxable in the hands of investors i.e. the income from such tax - free source is not included in the total income for the purpose of computation of total tax liability.
If you know what you're doing and have a plan to limit maximum risk then it's a great tool that allows you to keep more funds available for other purposes (or simply safe in your own hands).
«On the other hand, if the parents point out that the family has a horrific history of medical issues and they're worried about the child's future insurability for life insurance purposes, that would certainly warrant a close scrutiny of life insurance,» he added.
Commercial bridge loans, on the other hand, are designed for a broader range of purposes that are not designated just to residences.
Contributions, on the other hand, are considered yours for tax purposes and deductible on your tax return.
For safety purposes, the swing tray caught our attention, as it allows you to have both hands available for a squirmy baby, rather than juggling a tray in one hand and a baby in the othFor safety purposes, the swing tray caught our attention, as it allows you to have both hands available for a squirmy baby, rather than juggling a tray in one hand and a baby in the othfor a squirmy baby, rather than juggling a tray in one hand and a baby in the other.
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